First latex mattress purchase

I enjoy playing odds. My last gamble ended up with a big name poor quality foam air mattress. The first few years of the air mattress were great, but as time went on my back started bothering me. The foam parts inside of the mattress are completely worn, broken, and crumbling at parts after 6 years. I reached the pain threshold and needed to replace this monster.

I am not sure how I stumbled on the mattress underground - I have been influenced to go latex. A queen Ultimate Dreams Eurotop #5 is being delivered by FedEx as I type this message. I am a bit nervous about Brooklyn Bedding because of the lack of critical reviews on their bedding. Certainly someone must be uncomfortable on a latex over foam bed!

Hi anthonyjk2,

Congratulations on your new mattress :slight_smile:

I think there are probably a number or reasons that people are generally as happy as they are. My guess is that first of all most of the people who are buying these have tried a latex mattress locally so that the general “feel” of latex is a known quantity.

The second is that because each person can choose the firmness level or the latex … they are able to increase the odds of choosing one that fits their needs and preferences.

It also helps that Chuck is willing to spend the time to help them make their choice. It’s rare to find a customizable mattress that uses good quality materials at this price.

While I’m sure that there are some that may have made a choice that wasn’t “perfect” because their preferences aren’t in the “average” range … in most cases it would likely be close enough that it would be fairly simple to make some fine tuning adjustments with a topper or mattress pad to bring it closer to their ideal.


Have you been happy with your purchase? We are looking at this mattress and I am worried about buying online. I need some feedback on your experience.


Hi nchudson,

Hopefully anthonyjk2 will see your post and provide some feedback (which would be great) but in the meantime a search on Ultimate Dreams (you can just click this) will bring up many posts which include feedback and reviews from many of the other members here.
