First off thanks to the creators of this site! I’ve been browsing here without being registered for some time now and this site has been a tremendous help. I think I’ve settled on a SelectFoam Cirrus Supreme as the bed I’m going with. I’m a little concerned with some of the issues the others have run into in that past with SelectFoam (missing items during shipping) but from what I’ve read, they seem to have been resolved ok.
Thanks again for this site and also for the discount you’ve arranged with the vendors!
Select Foam is certainly a great quality/value choice and of course they have the advantage of being able to test a similar mattress locally to get a sense of how it will feel and perform. I know from my many conversations with them that they have been very focused on resolving any of their customer service issues that slipped through the cracks (mostly because of third party fulfillment of their bedding package) and of course they also have a great return policy which lowers the risk of any online purchase.
Assuming you pull the trigger … congratulations on your new mattress
I’m looking forward to your feedback when you receive it and have had the chance to sleep on it.