Flexus Comfort never got the pillows

Hi there,

I want to make other people aware and this is a last ditch effort. I ordered a split king from Flexus Comfort May 2023 for the Memorial Day sale. I never received the two free pillows that were supposed to come with it.

I’ve communicated with Henry multiple times. Just disappointed.

Hi kallisti32,
Welcome to the MattressUnderGround.
We are happy to have you.

Sorry to hear about your experience with Flexus Comfort. They were a nice company while they existed. Unfortunately, like many companies in the current economy, they did not make it and ceased operations.

They did, for a short time have another company fulfilling their orders, but have not heard anything about that in quite a while. It is unfortunate, but these things do happen.

Hopefully, you were able to find some alternative pillows to comfort your nights sleep.

All the best,
