going for tuft and needle

Thanks for the excellent tutorial on mattress selection and the various components and how they play together, as well as all the posts from members on their experiences.

We’ve decided to go with the Tuft and Needle King size, and I’ll post back and let you know how it’s going after we’ve had it for a while

Again, thanks for creating and maintaining such a great resource


Hi fabdog,

I’m glad the site could help you … and congratulations on your new mattress :slight_smile:

I’m looking forward to your comments and feedback once you’ve received it and have had the chance to try it out.


OK, we’ve had the mattress for a little over a week. It’s very nice, my wife’s back pain is gone, as well as my shoulder/neck pain. The buying experience was painless (we went thru Tuft and Needle to get the longer trial period and discount).

Overall a very nice mattress that meets our needs at a very competitive price


Hi fabdog,

Thanks for taking the time to share your initial comments and feedback about your mattress … I appreciate it :slight_smile:


Looks like the majority of reviews are positive and I like that there is a trial period. Shopping for a mattress is so crazy but this website has been a godsend in the amount of useful information. The walmart special 8" is not providing enough support at the moment. We are going to give T&N a shot and report back after.

I ordered a queen size for my daughter and like so much I am ordering a kin for myself.

Hi trifenix and viprjoe,

I switched your posts to the general Tuft & Needle topic so that your posts wouldn’t get mixed in with the comments and feedback in another member’s topic.

Congratulations to both of you on your new mattresses :slight_smile:

I’m looking forward to your comments and feedback once you’ve both received them and had a chance to sleep on them as well.


Can this king size T&N work with adjustable bed? TIA

yup just bought a king t&n and they confirmed “yes”.