Guest room... what would you do?

We’re getting a new bed to replace our aging 13 year old Sealy Posturpedic (bought before I knew better!)

It was our intention to put that existing set down in the guest room, replacing a blow-up bed that’s there now (no, I don’t mean an “Air bed”… but rather a temporary inflatable $80 camping type mattress). But, we now don’t feel it is very comfortable at all anymore so maybe that’s just doing our guests a disservice. On the other hand, we don’t have guests stay very often. This last year I think it was used on 5 occasions for maybe an average of 2 nights. So let’s say it gets 10 to 15 days per year of use. Which would you do in our shoes?:

  1. Stick with the existing blow-up and throw out the Sealy
  2. Give the blow-up a break and use the Sealy
  3. Buy the cheapest bed that our local independent supplier has
  4. Look at a chain (Sleep Country, Sears, etc) because that’s the market they actually should be serving well
  5. Get a reasonably good set (somewhere in the $700 to $900 range?) knowing that our 2 year old is eventually going to need it anyway (but taking the risk that the bed we choose isn’t right for his needs at that time)
  6. Other

I appreciate all opinions on this, thanks.

  • Steven

Hi bcsteve,

If it was me I’d probably go with #2 if it’s still in reasonable condition and would serve most people reasonably well (I just wouldn’t spend money that I didn’t need to)

My second choice would probably be to purchase a reasonably inexpensive online mattress that was probably as good as many of the mattresses that you would find in a chain store at twice the price (such as something like this)

If I was looking in a higher budget then I would probably still look online because there is no reason to test the mattresses and a good “medium firm” mattress would do for most people for a few nights and I would follow the same steps as I would for buying a mattress for myself except I would skip the testing part and just talk to people about the most suitable choice in the materials I preferred.

Chain stores don’t serve any market well IMO. They are either lower quality or higher prices in every budget range than many other options you have.

You could also choose a basic “firm” mattress and then buy a 2" topper (either latex or memory foam) for the guests that needed something softer and then you would have two options that they could choose between.


thanks! I wonder what the shipping size of those are. A few of the comments said things like, “amazed it fit in that box” but nothing stated dimensions. I wonder if it would fit in my car. Then I could have it shipped to my US address and go pick it up.

Hi bcsteeve,

If you call them they could tell you the size of the box it ships in.
