Help! Can't get duct tape off a latex topper to return.

Any advice is appreciated! So I’ve been buying and testing different mattress toppers as several are not a good fit for us. I need to return a 3" Dunlop 4 lb density 40ILD latex topper from a different company, but I idiotically put 2 pieces of several inches of what I now realize is black Gorilla duct tape on the opposite 3" sides of it so I could tell the difference between it and another latex topper I ordered…:frowning:
Now I need to return it through Amazon at a Kohl’s. But when I’m trying to carefully peel off the duct tape, even with tweezers, the tape is not separating but is tearing latex off with it! I’m in between jobs right now and have several mattress pads that I need to return, and this one wasn’t cheap- so I’m worried they might not take it back with a few inches of holes/gouges on both of the 3" sides. Is there any way I can get the duct tape off without damaging the latex (or with the least damage)? I’ve been looking online on ways to either clean latex or remove duct tape, but I’m worried the latex will be too sensitive to most cleaning agents/removal methods or heat & I’d damage it even more. Thanks!!

Hello Amazombie

I am sorry to hear about your duct tape issue! Luckily, I have had this issue in the past while working with latex layers myself, and found that the best way to get tape off of latex is to iron it off. To do this you will need to place a thin cloth (tee-shirt thin) over the duct tape. Turn you iron onto a high setting, and iron the cloth a few seconds while it is on the tape. This will heat up the adhesive and allow you to remove the duct tape easily without tearing the latex. You may have to go over some spots more than once.
Please keep us posted, and good luck with your return!