Help me find a local mattress retailer

I am interested in finding a local mattress retailer in my area. I live in California in the Central Valley. May husband and I have gone through 4 mattresses in the past year and half. We are having a terrible time finding the just right mattress. We are considering purchasing either a Kingsdown Sleepfit ZRX 3 or a Saavata Plush firm. Any suggestions. My husband would really like to stick with a innerspring mattress. He is big and tall man and weighs over 250lbs.

Hi burly,

In case you haven’t read it yet … the first place I would start your research is post #1 here which hs all the basic information, steps, and guidelines that you will need to help you make the best possible choices … and avoid the worst ones (including Kingsdown or any manufacturer that doesn’t provide information about all the materials in their mattresses).

Assuming you’re in or near Sacramento … the better options or possibilities I’m aware of are listed in post #5 here.

If you’re not in reasonable driving distance of the choices there then if you let me know your zip I can give you a link to any of the forum lists that may be closer to you.


Our zip code is 93711. I want to give you a little background on the mattresses we have purchased and sent back. Our first mattress was a Tempurpedic rhapsody. My husband felt like he was sinking in a hole and had a hard time moving around. Second mattress was a Beautyrest Black Verona – too hard. It actually seemed much firmer than the store model. Then we tried a hybrid by Beatyrest-- way too soft. Our last bed mattress was a Icomfort Genius. We thought this was going to be the one after sleeping on our friends. Once it was delivered it was much more firm than theirs. We slept on it for 5 months with no change.
Like I stated before my husband is a big and tall man 6’6", 260lbs. with back issues. He has had two fusions.
We are at a lost in which direction to go. Any info would be appreciated.

Hi burly,

I see that my guess about where you were in the Central Valley wasn’t the best :slight_smile:

Some of the better options and possibilities in the Fresno area are listed in post #2 here.

With higher weights the quality of the materials in the upper layers of the mattress become much more important because lower quality/density materials will soften and break down much more quickly. Higher weights will also tend to do better with firmer comfort and support layers as well. If you have a big difference in your weight or your individual needs and preferences then the first part of post #2 here may also be helpful.

If you follow the steps in the first post I linked one by one … and avoid major manufacturers, chain stores, or any mattress where you can’t find out the specifics of what it in it … and deal with more knowledgeable retailers or manufacturers … your odds of success will be very high :).
