Help me fix my Berkeley Ergo bed!

Update on this bed…still having back pain after more than a month. Decided to upgrade to a zoned latex mattress (Flobeds) and give this one to grown daughter. She has the mattress on euroslats and reports this is comfortable for her with 3" soft talalay over 8" medium talalay (she is a 100 lbs and 5-2).

Highly recommend Flobeds!!! I’ll post a separate review on the specific Flobeds topic.

Hi Elisam

Congratulations on your new FloBeds V-Zone mattress
This is a great solution for those seeking zoned support and have been very popular with forum members. @FloBeds is also very committed to ensuring customers are completely satisfied with their purchases from them. Looking forward to your thoughts once you have had some time with it!

~ Basilio

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