Help with pain from Obasan mattress and wool topper

Hi Lauramtk.

Welcome to our Mattress Forum. :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear about the pain on your mattress. Are you feeling the mattress is too firm, or is it that the mattress is too soft?

This article about the different needs of the varying sleep positions could help narrow down the root cause, and you may also find this reply from Phoenix relevant to neck pain and here is more about the most common symptoms that people may experience when they sleep on a mattress and the most likely (although not the only) reasons for them in post #2 here.

This would be the easiest place to troubleshoot and start, at least where neck and shoulder pain is concerned! Do you have any other pillows you can swap out for?

I think this is going to boil down to what youโ€™re actually needing. Are you back sleepers, side sleepers? Combo?


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