Like many others, I am very grateful for the incredibly detailed, comprehensive information you present on here. This is not only my first purchase of a memory foam mattress–it is my first purchase of a mattress, period (I’m in college), and I was overwhelmed by the options and choices until discovering this site. After reading the forums, I was able to eliminate many options based on quality specifications (good thing, too–I was originally leaning towards a Dynasty Mattress on Amazon), and decided to go with the Ultimate Dreams Full Size 13 inch mattress from DreamFoam.
So the mattress arrived. Unfortunately, though, I have no idea what to put underneath it. I originally thought that I would buy a metal bed frame, but apparently that would be inadequate with this type of mattress. Could you tell me what components I need (a box spring, metal frame, platform–are these all necessary?) and possibly recommend a company or brand? Size is a factor (I had to buy a full size mattress because that’s all that would fit in the room), and so is ease of assembly.
Thanks for your help! As of now, my Ultimate Dreams mattress is still rolled up and waiting for a base (I’ve heard that it’s better to unwrap it directly onto the frame because it will be too bulky and heavy to move once it’s open, so I’ve had to wait). Once I get your advice, I’ll move forward and hope to actually use the mattress within the next couple weeks.
All you need is a firm even support system that will make sure your mattress doesn’t sag and will raise it off the floor to a comfortable height.
This could be a metal bedframe such as some of the ones mentioned here (widely available in any mattress store) that goes under a foundation and raises it off the floor.
A foundation that can use legs under it in the middle (for center support) and on the outside of the foundation. The legs would replace the frame and raise it off the floor
A platform bed with slats (similar to a foundation except its an actual bed)
A platform bedframe with a wire grid that is a combination foundation and bedframe.
The Brooklyn Bedding website (the manufacturer of your mattress) has some suggestions here with some examples.
The foundation thread here also has more information and many suggestions and any of them would work for your mattress. The more even, rigid, and supportive the support surface under your mattress the less it will stress the foam in the mattress that sits on top of it.
I would tend to avoid a solid platform base (like plywood) if possible because it reduces airflow under the mattress (unless you get an adjustable bed where a solid platform may be unavoidable)
So you really need three things … a solid non flexing and evenly supportive slatted or wire grid surface to support the mattress and keep it from sagging through any gaps, something under it to raise the support surface high enough so your mattress is at a comfortable height, and the mattress on top of it.
Appart form mold, what is the benefit of more airflow from the under the matress?
Is lifespan longer?
Is the matress as a a all more supportive?
Does it (can it) lower the temp on the upper layers? If so how much in general (let say a it is a latex 8 inches solid base with 3+3 inches on top of mid +soft dunloop).
As you already surmised, more airflow under a mattress can indeed affect the sleeping temperatures, however this would be the difference between say innersprings as a base and all foam. Ultimately, You’re not going to get airflow THROUGH an all foam mattress, just around it.
In this case, you’re also going to see a difference in motion transfer (less on an all foam build) and bounce (more springiness on a hybrid with innersprings).
The lifespan could be longer depending on a number of factors, including the ability to swap out that top layer easily and, well, there are no springs to damage. It’s a bit harder to damage an all foam base that’s the correct density, unless it’s being damaged by weather or an improper base.