I know my pillow choice, here's my stats - will you help me get it "just right"?

Hi PS…

Thanks for the info. on the latex smell. I think I pretty much have already decided to return the shredded pillow.

I am doing good with the zoned, solid one so will probably keep it.

I am on the fence about whether to order the LaNoodle contour pillow. If I want to compare it to my zoned Z Malouf I will need to purchase it soon so that I have time to compare and even return the Z Malouf one, if I liked the LaNoodle better.

Wool - I have fallen madly in love with the wonders of wool for bedding. Pillows, too! My favorite pillow is made of wool bolus - little clumps of wool (some call these wooly down pillows). It’s firm, soft, malleable, and washable. I have wool pillows made from standard batting, but the bolus is a dream.

Wow. So I just called cozypure to order a LaNoodle contour pillow. I asked their return policy and the guy told me I CANNOT return a pillow I have used or even opened! I can’t even take it out of the outer packaging to feel it or they will know it’s been opened and refuse a refund. How on earth is a person supposed to tell if they like a pillow if they cannot even take it out of the package??? I don’t live anywhere near their stores to go in person and see one. I’m on the west coast.

First he said it was against the law. Then when I questioned further and said the Z Malouf pillows (which he’s never heard of that company??) are refundable he said they probably throw them away when someone returns them. Huh? No company could stay in business if they did that. How beyond frustrating. I cannot afford to throw over $100 at a pillow only to find out if it doesn’t work for me that I have to take that loss. Am I clueless on this? I can return sheets, pillows, towels, underwear (he mentioned that) to any department store or most companies. Do they all throw them out? I can’t believe that.

Is anyone else on these boards returning items to cozypure/LaNoodle or are you just taking the loss? Sigh.

Hi seejanesleep,

For the most part … the “norm” in the industry (with a few exceptions such as a big box store like Walmart which has a return policy on everything they sell) is that pillows, sheets, and other bedding is considered to be a “personal” item and that outside of defects they are not normally returnable or refundable once they have been opened or used.

They are also correct that once they are used then they can’t be sold as new any longer so they would need to be disposed of or sold and labeled as a “used” product.


Now that I think about it it makes sense from a hygiene standpoint. I’ve just never encountered this before. Every store I’ve ever purchased from accepts returns. They don’t distinguish from used or unused items you just need your receipt and need to return it within a certain time frame. Someone even recommended purchasing both pillows from Amazon and returning the one I didn’t like. The company I bought the Z Malouf pillows from told me to buy both and decide which I wanted to keep. This isn’t just big box stores. Nordstrom has had a policy (forever) that you can return anything at any time if you are dissatisfied. Are all these companies throwing out their returned items?

I guess I am confused. I wonder what the actual laws or policies are. We have second hand clothing stores in town that are quite popular. Goodwill will take used mattress toppers and pillows, anything for resell. Do they not have to abide by the same policies?

I also don’t understand why cozypure offers a 30 day return policy when all their items are “personal” products that according to them cannot be resold. It goes without saying that a defective product is a different story so what is their return policy for?

Well, I guess I am just going to stay with the Z Malouf zoned pillow I have. Now that I’ve learned this I’m glad I didn’t actually sleep on the shredded one I am returning.

It’s a shame the cozypure is not more widely available. It’s on the other side of the country from me so I will never know if theirs would have worked for me.

SallyS - I might have tried wool at some point if I wasn’t so allergic to it. I don’t know if pillow covers/cases would be enough protection for me. Thanks though.

Hi seejanesleep,

They would need to dispose of them in some way (donation, recycling, disposal, selling to another retailer or “liquidator” who sells used products etc) or sell them themselves as used products since they can’t resell them as new.

Return policies normally apply to mattresses and sometimes toppers (although these are often not returnable either) … not personal items. If there is a return policy on a product then the cost would be built in to the product price that everyone pays so the people who don’t return an item are in effect paying for the ones who do. The estimated returns (or actual historical returns) and the costs involved will be factored into the price of a product.

Different businesses may have different ways of partially recovering the costs of returned products that they can’t (or won’t) resell although in some more shady cases in the industry they may even resell them as new (unless they get caught) or sell them to other businesses that sell them as new (or as scratch and dents, overstock, “last years models”, truck scuffs etc). You could call this the “shady underbelly” of the industry.

The laws for selling used mattresses and bedding are regulated by each state and can vary widely.


There is another maker of pillows that uses the little noodle bits - I am wracking my brain on the label, starts with a ‘K’ and I saw them at It’s Bedtime. Worst case I will call up and ask, because I swear I have seen them elsewhere.

re: wool and allergies - most of the time is a contact allergy, but there are people who cannot tolerate it. I do have MCS, but we are all made of different stuff and things affect us with varying results. I was terrified of latex and wool, after two + years it seems I am fine with it.

Goodwill stopped accepting pillows some time ago - our old ones have become dog beds or landfull - I find it weird that they take throw pillows, but not bed pillows. They used to take a lot of things, but the refusal list has grown a lot the past few years.

Thanks for the update Phoenix. Like most laws some make sense and others seem inconsistent. Now that I think of it, I’ve never tried to return a pillow before. I can see where a small company like cozypure would be more vigilant about these things since they probably can’t afford to absorb the cost like a larger corporation.

SallyS, I know for sure it’s a contact allergy with wool. However I don’t know if the lanolin could/would be a problem. If they take it out of the wool somehow before producing items like pillows and also if the coverings would be enough barrier. I really don’t know what part of wool is the problem for me. Sadly I inherited this problem from my father - who otherwise was a very healthy man. Thanks for the heads up on the other noodle possibility. I’ll read up and see if it sounds tempting.
Goodwill took my foam mattress topper last week. My sister was going to drop off some pillows today. I wonder if they will accept them.

Anyhow, I am going to keep the solid latex Zoned Z Malouf zoned talalay pillow. I have adjusted to the different “feel” of it and will be using it as my regular pillow. Maybe someday if my ship comes in I will try out the LaNoodle.

Thanks everyone.

Hi ps99115,

I wondered if you have had enough time that you could review the LaNoodles contour pillow for us?


After much consideration and talking to others, I bought a My Pillow. Its been 2 years now and I love it! It washes and dries well. You can put in the dryer to fluff it. It can be put into the shape you need…like bunching it a bit for under your neck to keep your spine in alignment. There are different sizes so it’s customizable. Haven’t regretted it yet! Hope this helps!

Thanks tm820,

I looked it up but their website does not tell what it’s made out of. I’m guessing memory foam. The fact that they don’t readily list it concerns me.
I also am a big reader of Amazon reviews. The pillow has more negative reviews than positive. Over 200+ negatives out of 600+ reviews. Not a good sign in my book.
I am glad it works well for you but I am certain it’s not along the lines of what I am looking for.

I will check back to see if ps99115 and maybe others will review the LaNoodle latex contour pillow.

Thanks everyone.

Hi seejanesleep,

You can see some comments about the mypillow in post #20 here.

You can also see some comments about the Lanoodles pillow in this topic and I also sleep on a Lanoodles pillow and it’s my current favorite (although of course personal preferences can be very different for each person especially when it comes to pillows) and you can see my comments about it here and some comments from another forum member are here.


Hi Seejanesleep,

I received the lanoodles contour pillow last week and took it out of the box and immediately knew it was not for me. Very well made pillow and the cover is nice but the lanoodle filling is just too dense and heavy and I knew my neck would not like it (never took it out of the plastic). I am somewhat of “goldilocks” when it comes to pillows and still have yet to find the perfect pillow. I did not want to make a $100+ mistake so I am unfortunately sending the pillow back. Again I am VERY picky with pillows so the pillow might very well work perfect for you.

I honestly wish I can find a good quality solid foam latex contour pillow at a decent price. At a local latex mattress store I found the organopedic latex countour pillow which was almost perfect but at a price of $325 its way too expensive.

Anyone have any thoughts about a good solid latex countour pillow?


Hi ps99115,

Did you order the one that has the adjustable fill or the one where the fill can’t be adjusted?

The lanoodles themselves are much less dense and softer than solid latex.


Phoenix - thanks for the links.

Clawdia - I saw your older posts through Phoenix’s links and it seems like you have a lot of health issues. Also sounds like the LaNoodle contour pillow worked for you.

ps99115 - thank you for your review. I see reading your prior posts that you’ve been through quite a few pillows. How would you compare the solid latex Z Malouf to the LaNoodle contour?

Thanks everyone.

Hi Phoenix,

I ordered the adjustable contour pillow. I was afraid to open the package and adjust it because I don’t want to void the return policy. I have several solid foam latex pillows (Malouf zoned, LI - none of which I currently use) and I find the solid latex foam pillows to be a bit softer neck feel as compared to shredded latex but the shape is not good for my neck and lifts my head up too high. I would likely do better with a medium-firm solid latex countour pillow.

Seejanesleep - the lanoodle pillow is a very high quality pillow. Cover is made of organic cotton and the latex itself had that sweet vanilla smell (can smell through the plastic) not the “old tennis ball” smell like the Z shredded pillow. A solid and shredded latex pillow is like comparing apples to oranges in terms of feel and personal preference will dictate which is better for you.

Cozypure.com sells lanoodles by the pound. I am seriously thinking about buying some lanoodles in bulk and experimenting in making my own DIY latex pillow (part solid latex and part latex noodles). I the past I have tried modifying one of my solid latex pillows with an electric cutting knife which did not turn out very well. I tried to shave off a couple of inches in height but the electric cutting knife cuts latex vertically easily but shaving a pillow horizontally does not work very well.

Anyone successfully modified or made their own DIY latex pillow?


I didn’t buy a coontour LaNoodle pillow - they sent me one by mistake when I ordered a queen size pillow that has the adjustable fill, so I did get a look at one before I sent it back in exchange for the one I’d actually ordered. I love my queen size ones with the fill that can be adjusted. I had to remove some of the LaNoodles to get the right degree of softness, and managed to get them just perfect for me. The queen size regular shaped pillow has more LaNoodles in it than did the contour pillow, which was noticeably lighter. Once I saw the shape of the contour pillow, I knew it wasn’t for me.

I’ve also made some DIY LaNoodle pillows by buying the bulk noodles, and those turned out great, too.

I’m really tempted to purchase a LaNoddle pillow in the future. It seems they sometimes have sales around the holidays. Maybe I’ll have to wait until Christmastime.

I like the support of my solid latex Z Malouf pillow but once in awhile I will wake up and I’ve moved/slid down a bit and as a result the pillow isn’t supporting my neck any longer. I am thinking maybe a pillow with filling and maybe the contour shape also would help the filling stay under my neck and help my head stay where it’s supposed to be. At least a bit better than a solid pillow would do. My down pillows have been good for filling in the area under the neck but they don’t have the firmer support since they smash down quickly.

I wonder whether the contour or regular LaNoodle would be a better choice for me. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

This is just me, of course, but I didn’t like the shape of the contour pillow at all, even though I love the regular LaNoodle pillows (love 'em to the point that I have two queen size and 3 regular size ones - made one regular size one from the extra noodles that were in the queen size pillows I bought, and bought 4 lbs of bulk noodles to make the other two regular size pillows). The “contour”, what I could see thru the plastic bag it was in, looked and felt like a squared off pillow - not the dimensions of a traditional pillow but more square - that had the “contour” line running right thru the middle of it. For me, I’d want the contour line to be about 1/3 of the way from the bottom, not right in the middle. It had about a pound fewer of the noodles in it when compared to the shipping weight of the queen size pillow.

Considering the odd shape - a regular pillow case might or might not fit - my feeling was that it would be hard to find one that would fit. The regular shaped queen pillows were actually too firm for me to start with, but removing some of the noodles made them really soft but still supportive, and I can smush one around to whatever shape I want at night.

You have to realize, for sure, that I never actually felt of the contour pillow outside of the plastic bag it ships in, so all of my observations are probably at least somewhat skewed by that. The only thing I ended up being sure of is that I wouldn’t want one.

On the other hand, you might think it’s the greatest thing you’ve ever seen.

The other pillow that I had seen is K-Lex, it is a blend of kapok and latex. I was back in that store today and kicked myself for forgetting to get the name. At any rate I was able to try both the regular pillow and the crescent or ‘side sleeper’ pillow. I also tried several other pillows.
The Side Sleeper would have come home with me if there had been another one, I’m going to get one for myself. It was awesome in a very cuddly, supportive way and much better than my initial hand impression. I was not as happy with the rectangular Queen sized pillow. The one they had has been there on display, but inside a protective bag, no odor and the lumpy stuff inside was not at all lumpy to my head.

Manufacturer’s link : K-Lex Pillows | Churchill & Smith