I need two mattresses... I've done some of my homework... Now what?

Hi GenericMattressShopper,

You may have read it but just in case you haven’t I would make sure you’ve read the mattress shopping tutorial here which has all the basic information, steps, and guidelines that help you with how make the best choice … and perhaps more importantly know how and why to avoid the worst ones.

I don’t make any specific mattress suggestions because only you can feel what you feel on a mattress and there are too many unknowns, variables, and personal preferences involved in any mattress choice or combination of materials for anyone to be able to predict with any certainty which mattress will be the best “match” for you based on your individual criteria, circumstances, specs (either yours or a mattress) or “theory at a distance” (see mattress firmness/comfort levels in post #2 here). I can certainly help with “how” to choose and I’m always happy to answer any specific questions you may have or act as a “fact check” but only you can decide which specific mattress is best for you.

There is more information about futon mattresses including some of the better sources I’m aware of in post #2 here.

[quote]More specialized preferences/details:

  • First, and this is an absolute must - I will pay more for it - I’d like anything going into all of the above to contain minimal to no hazardous materials like fire retardants and dyes that will make their way out of the mattresses/bedding, whether through sweat or off-gassing. I’m aware through reading of certifications like GOTS and Oeko-tex, but finding a mattress with these that doesn’t have an outrageous price tag or that can prove that they actually have these certifications has proven difficult.[/quote]

There is more information about organic, natural, chemical free, green, and “safe” materials in post #2 here and the other posts it links to that can help you decide which materials you are comfortable with having in your mattress and that can help answer your questions about “how safe is safe enough for me?” because these types of issues are complex and are generally specific to each person and their individual sensitivities, circumstances, and specific criteria.

Latextoppers only sells individual mattress components … not mattresses. They can be a good source for people that are interested in designing and building their own mattress and are one of the component sources listed in post #4 here but if you are thinking about designing and building your own mattress I would make sure that you read option #3 in post #15 here first.

The better options or possibilities I’m aware of in the Washington, DC area (subject to the “value” guidelines here) are listed in post #2 here.

If you are also open to online choices then the tutorial also includes a list of the members here that sell mattresses online (in the optional online step) and many of these make mattresses that would likely fit your criteria as well.

There is also more about the different ways to choose the most suitable mattress (either locally or online) and how to identify and minimize the risks involved in each of them in post #2 here.
