ILD for Child Mattress

Hi Phoenix,

I know you answered a similar question in a prior post but it was for older children. I’m looking to buy a mattress for my 3 year old at and am deciding between an 28 ILD 6" Talalay core or a 33 ILD 6" Talalay core. The mattress will have a 2" 21 ILD Talalay topper.

I have not been able to find any information on firmness recommended for infants. Of course as a baby his mattress was very firm but now that we are moving him to a twim bed I’m not sure what to do. I think you previously recommended 28-32 for children 5-12. I am expecting to have him sleep on the firmer core side until he gets older and then use the side with the soft topper. What do you suggest. The person at said he felt the 28 ILD was “soft” and did not describe it as medium.

Thanks for your help!


Hi tdo,

My firmness choice would really depend on whether you thought they will be larger or smaller as they got older and on whether they are male or female.

Latex International here lists 28 as being “medium” and 32 as being “firm” but “word ratings” are so subjective and vary so much with the person that they don’t mean much. I would say that 28 is more in the “medium soft” range and that 33 is more in the “medium firm” range.

If they were a boy and/or you thought they would be on the larger side as they get older … I would probably tend towards the firmer.

If they were a girl and/or you thought they would be on the smaller side as they get older I would probably tend towards the softer.

If you are unsure … I would probably go with the slightly firmer.
