Individual Layers of Latex Mattress being wrapped in a sleeve, VS. NO Sleeve

Hi Phoenix. It never ceases to amaze me how complex buying a bed can turn out to be.

This may, or may not, be significant but it is something that is bugging me and could affect my choice of bed so I need to ask. So far the opinions I have on this question are one for, one against, with you guessed it the Retailers answering in their favour.

So if you were to buy a 9" Latex Mattress for example, and this is made up of 3 x 3" layers, or say one 6" + one 3", and these layers are to be put all inside the same Cover (be it Cotton, Canvas or what have you), is it important that the Layers be in a Sleeve (this cotton I think is what is usually used) in order to prevent them from wearing faster?

I think the logic is, even though Latex is naturally a little sticky, and the layers will mostly stick to each other inside the cover to keep them from moving around, you are still going to have some extra friction there that would be lessened by a sleeve. Also, a sleeve is one more layer protecting it from UV. These are the “for” arguments that I remember being cited anyway.

What does your experience and the experience of the users here say about this?


Hi jayjonbeach,

You can see some of my thoughts about covered internal layers vs uncovered internal layers in post #2 here.

There are some slight pros and cons either way but neither one would be significantly “better” than the other IMO.


Thank you Phoenix, my theory is it is marginal either way and you would seem to agree. The only thing I can think of that might actually wear it faster is probably not the latex rubbing on latex but the cover itself rubbing on the latex IF there was no wool between them (I think in most cases there would be). Without the wool I could see the cover very slowly wearing down edges and corners, especially if Canvas or something similar

Hi jayjonbeach,

Yes I would agree with this and for me it wouldn’t be a significant factor in a buying decision.
