Industry Expert ~ Mattress To Go / Beducation


Areas of Expertise:

  • Mattress
  • Componentry
  • Sleep Ergonomics

Jeff Scheuer founder & CEO ~ Creator of Beducation®
Mattress To Go ~ Trusted Member Profile

One of the many things that make your experience so “special” at Mattress To Go special is that I’ll personally be guiding you through your mattress selection process, using research from the world’s leading sleep ergonomic specialists, combined with my own decades of expertise, to find the products that best suit your particular needs. This is all about you. Your restoration. Your requirements. Your health. This process is not about promotions or brands. It’s about selecting high-quality componentry that is most appropriate for your well-being.

I have over 25 years of award-winning experience in the mattress industry and have earned a national reputation for expertise, credibility, and integrity. Shopping for a mattress isn’t something you do every day, and no matter how hard you try you can’t become an expert about mattresses after a week or two of research. It’s a process for which you should recruit and partner with an educated consultant.

You’ll find Mattress To Go is one of the most transparent and consumer-friendly sleep shops in the industry. We take a holistic approach that realizes your choice of mattress is key to your overall health, recovery, and productivity. Guiding you through this process is a responsibility I take very seriously.

Knowing about mattresses, sleep and restoration is my job, so I encourage and welcome your questions. Feel free to browse my Beducation® videos. I guarantee that once you’re done viewing those you’ll know more about mattresses than most salespeople. Want to compare? No problem. Tell me what you’ve seen or read about and we can objectively review how one product differs from another, and I’ll happily explain the practical application of different mattress components. To assist in your research, I always list the complete specifications of our mattresses on my website and in the store.