Information on TMU and information to share

It has been some weeks since I have looked at this site, largely due to being away, but I now face another night sleeping on the sofa after a long period of little sleep and endless time searching for a mattress.
I am angry, disappointed and extremely upset as I write , but really want some information that I believe would benefit all your readers. Everyone deserves a good nights sleep as it is essential for our health and improves the quality of our life.
It is clear we cannot share experiences or post any negative comments about mattress companies on this site, even if they break the law. I fail to see how this is helpful to readers.
It dawned on me some time ago that there is no information about TMU on this site or anywhere else on the web. If I am missing something please share…
Where are you located? Are you in the mattress industry? I have suspicions now that you are in the industry as you are so supportive of it as a whole and commonly use phrases used by salesman. You have no phone number or address at least not that I can see…
The only information on this site, is that the founder discovered a latex mattress and started TMU… This is possibly why you are always so complimentary about latex mattresses but it is not helpful to those who are just looking for a decent mattress.
I am so upset - furious to be honest - that you keep members who you know to be dishonest yet threaten readers who are simply trying to find helpful information as to where to purchase a mattress.
Recently I thought I had found a mattress - by trusting one of your “trusted” members, only to find I have wasted time, money and am facing more abuse from yet another mattress company.
They do not care if we have a good nights sleep - they only want their sales. IF you believe anyone in the industry is different why do you not mention them on your site?
I cannot find any information about TMU anywhere and it is starting to look suspicious especially as we face hostile comments from your staff when we want to share information or find a mattress.
One more thing I do not understand; if a mattress salesman lies about having spoken to TMU you tell us we can mention it here, but in the same sentence you state we cannot mention it. That does not make sense…
I am beyond desperate for a mattress, yet aside from being redirected to your “trusted” members who are either not trustworthy (I have proof and so do you) or do not ship out of state, how are we supposed to find any information from you?
Why is the TMU shrouded in secrecy?
I am so desperate for a mattress and upset about the replies from TMU when I am not complimenting dishonest people.
I cannot even describe how furious and upset I am tonight. Oh, I emailed you today (because you do not like us to be honest on this site) but have not had a reply…

[/b]TMU please respond to this post!!!

Dear qball,

Thank you so much for giving TMU this nudge. It is the most useful response/comment I have received to my few posts. I fear they will not respond, except to say I am breaking their rules and emailing me to threaten me with removing me from their site, because we can only compliment businesses in the industry. It does not matter if mattress companies break the law, receive correspondence from the DA’s office, (which they ignore) or cheat and lie every day… TMU continues to keep them as “trusted” members, because they want to give them a chance! At least that is their excuse.
One of these members has a pubic statement online, saying they "have decided to partner with TMU’. Ah, so the retailers decide to partner with TMU - this is rather different to the statements made by TMU, regarding their alleged strict vetting process.
Trusted members are simply those who are looking for more business and in some cases any business. It is worth it to them to pay TMU a cut. OF course the consumer has the wool pulled over their eyes, because they are promised a discount when mentioning TMU. Naturally this is added to the cost of the mattress and we know who is covering those costs…
I think we are led to believe, for no particular reason, that TMU is based in the USA, but look closely at the trusted members. The country listed for many of the mattress companies in the US is Canada, as if this is entered by default and nobody bothers to change it…
I had read good things about TMU and honestly thought I would get some assistance here with finding a mattress, but it has only served to make me suffer further. They do not seem to know anyone in the industry, except those who want to “partner” with them. In their - now dated - LA post, they listed a manufacturer who works out of a garage, does not speak any English and uses the worst materials. They are a sweet couple, I think, but not what one would expect from a site, purporting to be experts in the industry.
Thank you again for your reply/push to TMU. Lets keep our eyes open for a response!!!

Hi Annacafe,

I am following up on your email request that one of our members be removed from TMU and at the same time, I will be addressing your multiple acidic comments on our forum against our members, experts, and The Mattress Underground(TMU) community as a whole.

Your request to remove a TMU member has no basis to act on. You have not purchased anything from the company you are complaining about, nor do they have the type of product you were seeking. To quote my reply to you from our latest email exchange:

“I regard what happened on this call between you and the company owner more as an unfortunate clash of personalities where things can go wrong even with the best intentions and efforts of both parties. In my personal experience when this happens, much can go astray and misunderstandings can occur. I had several conversations with the owner since I became aware of this situation. Typically, unless there is some sort of material evidence regarding a purchase, not honoring a certain policy or a repeated pattern of problematic behavior on the part of a member, TMU does not and cannot act on individual consumer grievances. I’d note that delays in shipping or responses (noted by other consumers) have a justifiable cause. The multiple disruptions caused by the covid side effects of the diminished workforce and sourcing components were common in the industry.”

You have left me no choice but to intervene and to ban your disruptive and vengeful presence from our Forum. You have chosen to troll and insult my staff, The Mattress Underground community, and me. During almost 2 months of email correspondence that we’ve had, you have dismissed all of our honest efforts to help for no good reason other than that your strong-armed request to remove one of the TMU trusted members was not fruitful. This leads us to question if your approach has an ulterior motive.

Additionally, you are spreading inaccurate information on different topics on our forum. Other community members have repeatedly reported and flagged your posts in the backend, concerned that someone who reads your postings may mistakenly look at them as a good source of information. In keeping with our transparency policy, your multiple posts will remain on the forum and be moved all to a single thread as historical evidence of your activity in case you chose to return to our Forum with another identity. Be aware, your attitude of lashing out at anyone that disagrees with your opinion and the persistent attacking of business and their hard-worked reputation is not tolerated there.

To quote again from my email to you:

“The Mattress Underground is first and foremost an educational tool and a consumer advocacy resource for understanding mattress shopping terminology and best practices. We have tried as best we could to offer assistance and wish that your search had been more fruitful. To that end, we hope that you find the mattress you seek and that you find better rest soon.”



Well put!