Initial impression on Novosbed

Got the Classic King on sale, here’re some observations.

The Great

Received in two days. By spec 10" King should weigh 113lb, actual weight 116-117lb with plastic wrap. So the listed specs are accurate. When unwrapped, the mattress return to perfect shape within minutes, no bumps, ridges, warped corner or any signs of packaging.

The foam is indeed made by one of the top US foam manufacture, that’s a big relief. Out of respect to vendor’s privacy policies, I would not post the name publicly, but rest assure it’s one of the best. Mine was made on 10/10. So it looks like the vendor is keeping their promise of clearing out inventory after 3 months.

Mattress cover does a good job sealing what’s inside. There’s almost no smell until I opened up the cover and exposed the entire foam. The smell is noticeable but not unpleasant . By next morning, I have to get within a few feet to smell it. I plan to leave it fully exposed for a week or two.

I was concerned that 4" memory foam might be too soft, but seems OK. Should be considered medium to medium firm. As a reference, I’m probably on the lighter side, 5’11", 170lb, side sleeper and prefer firmer bed. It felt perfect to me.

The Not Necessarily So Bad

The mattress is half inch short of standard king on one end, as in the specs, but half inch longer on the other end, so almost an inch off. I guess it’s not possible to cut a soft foam perfectly square.

Not a big fan of the “$218 value” free pillows. They are like 2-inch thick and made of lower quality foams.

They have a two week sale, but put a count down clock for 2 or 3 days only. When time runs out, they reset the clock. Kind of funny.

Thanks to kbeaub for bringing this to my attention. And of course, to Phoenix’s diligent reviews and follow up on the vendor, as well as all the excellent information provided throughout the site.

My next step is to custom make a floating king bed B)

Hi whoever,

Thanks for taking the time to write a great review … and even weighing out the mattress to check on the specs. It will be helpful to many others down the road. :slight_smile:

1/2" out of spec is fairly “standard” … but best of all it seems like you made a very suitable choice which can be one of the risks of an online purchase.

It certainly seems to me that Novosbed has changed for the better since I first talked with them which is great to see.

I’m also looking forward to hearing about your “custom floating bed”

Does the yacht go with it?


Wow. That was fast.

I’m still waiting for my selectfoam, but according to Juan, I will get it by Jan 7. One thing I was going to as selecfoam was if I could “upgrade” their free pillows and sheets, but forgot to ask.