Is it worth the cost for kids?

My wife and I just purchased a new mattress for ourselves before Christmas (thanks SleepEZ) and are trying it out. So far, the initial impressions are positive. Because we occasionally have guests, and because our kids are on old hand-me-down spring mattresses that need to be replaced, we rotated our queen mattress and set to our 9yr old.

My wife liked how much that opened his room up from the Ikea loft bed he had and is now contemplating replacing the other 2 boys beds and mattresses. I am building a new bed frame for us and she is thinking that’s a good lead into doing the same for the 2 young ones (4 & 7). With that she is also thinking that’s a good time to buy new mattresses for them, and then comes the thought of maybe we should upgrade them to Full from Twin while doing so.

My boys are tall (like dad) so this doesn’t sound unreasonable to me, but the question now is, does it make sense to go spring, hybrid, or full latex like we did? Her thinking is this next mattress could last all of them until moving out if we go full latex, and the pricing for some of them isn’t terribly more than spring options. I tend to be the hesitant, frugal, researcher, so I raise the question of is it worth it? Do they need that at this age for the next 10 years? Will there be big advancements by the time they are older that we will need to replace anyways? Am I cheaping out on my kids by not going that route?

Anyways, what are the opinions on kids mattresses and situations like mine? Is it worth it or a waste of money? Good idea, bad idea?

Hi CheapSk8,

This is a great question. There has been a lot of research that children require not only longer duration sleep by high-quality sleep during their educational years. When children get into a deep stage 4 sleep is when the brain stores the information that they learned that day in their long-term memory.

In my opinion, an investment in a quality mattress for children will help them in the long run and as you stated, a quality latex mattress is a possible solution. Now, they are not cheap but they last a long time. I would suggest that you purchase a mattress that can be modified over time. Where you can change out the top layer as their bodies grow and change. So every several years you’re buying essentially a mattress topper rather than a complete mattress. In addition, that topper purchased right before they go off to college can go with them. This solution may actually save you money in the long term.


If I could throw a whole other perspective in, I broke my back badly when I was 12 and had a lot of trouble with my back going out by age 13. A Japanese orthopedist strongly recommended sleeping on a futon on laid on the floor or on a solid platform (not a slatted frame). Since both my parents were raised sleeping on straw mats on the floor or on solid wood beds with thin padding on them in India, they thought it was worth a try. It made a huge difference. My back stopped going out and I generally felt better and stronger. I also lost a bunch of weight. This doctor told us that research in Asia showed that children raised sleeping on harder surfaces have fewer back problems, better skeletal formation, less obesity, and tend not to develop problems like sleep apnea. If I had kids, I’d put them on the simplest, most well-made, nontoxic futons I could get (not the fancy kind with all kinds of springs and gels inside) on low beds with a completely solid platform. Something to think about, especially since your kids are lucky enough to have a parent who can build beds to order.

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Well, the username may match the question here CheapSk8

But totally a valid question to ask.

There are several reasons why it is important to invest in a high-quality kid’s mattress rather than opting for a cheaper option.

First, a good quality kids’ mattress can provide better support and comfort for your child. Memory foam and latex combination mattresses are known for their ability to contour to the body, which can help to reduce pressure points and promote proper spinal alignment. Our original GhostBed Classic has the combination with a 1.5 inch latex cooling top and solid build memory foam to be a strong starter point mattress in our collection.

Which can be especially important for growing children, as a supportive mattress can help to ensure that their developing bodies get the rest, they need to hopefully move out someday and take that mattress with them. We have some customers still sleeping on an original mattress for us for over 20 years.

Second, a high-quality kids mattress can be more durable and long-lasting. Cheap mattresses are often made with lower quality materials and construction, which can lead to sagging and breakdown over time. Investing in a higher quality mattress can save you money in the long run, as you will not need to replace it as frequently.

So just check the material used and the build and weight to price shop that your buying a high-quality mattress.

Third, a good quality kids mattress can create a safer sleep environment for your child. Cheap mattresses not made in the USmay contain harmful chemicals or materials that can off-gas and potentially harm your child’s health. By investing in a high-quality, you can ensure that your child is sleeping on a safe and healthy surface.

Overall, investing in a high-quality kids mattress that offers a combination of memory foam and latex can provide numerous benefits, including better support and comfort, durability, and a safer sleep environment. While it may be tempting to opt for a cheaper option, the long-term benefits of a good quality mattress are well worth the investment for your two boys to jump on for years and years

Brian @ GhostBed

Hi CheapSk8,

You have raised some very valid points, and there has also been some great responses here!

There are many reasons that people decide on 100% latex mattresses for their children, one of the major reasons being to reduce their child’s chemical exposure. Memory foams and other polyurethane foams are made from petrochemicals that could contribute to an individual’s toxic load. So, while overall comfort and pressure relief is important for uninterrupted rest, allergy symptoms that are caused by chemical toxins should be equally considered.

100% natural latex is also known to be longer lasting, meaning it doesn’t break down as quickly as other foams or springs. You can easily get 10 years out of it, if not a lot longer with regular maintenance such as flipping and rotating the layers. Latex is also naturally more resistant to mould, mildew and dust mites (common bacteria that’s found inside conventional mattresses). I’m sure you already experience some of the joys of sleeping on latex, and as you mentioned, it’s not much more expensive than other options.

The surface in which it sits on is very important for the overall support, and I would agree that mimicking the firmness of a floor is the best practice. Solid slats rather than flexible ones, evenly distributed, with a center support beam will ensure the mattress will be supported fully, while promoting circulation throughout. Choosing a mattress that is firm is a good idea because you can always add toppers in the future to accommodate their developing adult bodies.

Buying a new mattress is time consuming, and for what it’s worth, there is no one solution that fits every situation. Ultimately you know what’s best for your child, and I hope that some of this information can better help you with your decision.

Laura ~ Founder & CEO. Sunshine Mattress Co

These are all really good responses and have provided good direction and thought for us. I was going back and forth on good spring or hybrid mattresses, typically firmer as I have read that’s best for kids, but we’re looking in the latex direction now. As mentioned, with me building the beds and platforms I do have the option to firm it up a bit more and that’s the direction we will be going. Sometimes you get into a product or decision where spending a bunch of money on the best of the best doesn’t make sense with kids when they are growing fast, or changing as quick as the seasons. It definitely seems like this category is one in which it makes sense to make the investment and maintain it for as long as possible.

Thanks all for the input and the opinions on this. It is all received with thanks and much appreciation.