If your house burned down and you had to buy a Queen TODAY, just give me a link of what you’d buy. No more,. no less.
I will pay $200 or I will pay $500. I just want to get a good value in the sweet spot, and not overpay for diminishing benefit.
I hate to do this, but can someone who just went thru this recently post a link of a foam mattress to buy?
Normally, I read and become an expert. I can’t this time due to issues. I just need a link and a “Buy it now” click.
My current mattress is a $75 foam topper directly on boxspring. It has worked perfectly for almost 4 years, but it’s finally time to replace since my back just started hurting a few weeks ago and I’m feeling the box spring. Guess the foam broke down eventually. ANYTHING new will be an upgrade so I don’t need to overthink this.
Need a Queen.
I prefer a firm mattress.
I am 170 lbs.
Do I want 8" or 12" mattress?
I read that ILD9 is good.
I also read that 4lbs foam is good.
I also read that 4" of memory foam is good. Or can I get away with less at 170lbs?
Anyone got one that meets this?
I just want a link so I can buy it today.
I was about to pull the trigger on this, but they jacked the price from $299 to $400, so I feel like I was getting the shaft.
Should I just get it anyway and get this task done? 4" of ILD9 for $400
A cheaper choice ($628.04) not as nice but still very good: Amazon.com
Another several notches down the scale ($379) : Amazon.com
Good luck whatever you do but if you change your mind and want to do more research this forum is the best place I’ve ever found to learn about all things mattress (Especially Latex Foam).
I tend to shop at the opposite end of the spectrum, and not withstanding you’ve asked a question that specifically ignores the best advise this site has to offer (the PPP means for objectively evaluating what the right mattress for you is), if I had a $500 max budget for a queen, I would check kijiji
kijiji? Nah, I don’t do used mattresses.
I have no idea what PPP means are.
Do you have a link?
jefmoody, good links. Thanks.
I don’t want to get into the $500+ range without proper research.
And if I don’t like the mattress at all, I’m out of luck (way too spongy, etc)
I’d rather buy cheaper, and replace it in 2 years, to minimize risk/exposure.
That $379 option is a possibility. Does it also have 3" of 4lbs gel?
I think I will keep it under $400, and try to get away with 4lbs density and 3" of topper.
I am only 170lbs and think I can be fine with that. Many for much less have gotten tons of great revirews on Amazon and Walmart.
So, if I get the real deal (4lbs+), I am sure it will be GOOD ENOUGH.
I wasn’t planning to add to the thread because you didn’t want to do research and I don’t suggest specific mattresses for people (there are too many variables and unknowns to use “theory at a distance” or other people’s suggestions or reviews as an effective way to choose a mattress design or comfort level that is “best” for you) but I thought I’d jump in to caution you that you may be fairly deep into the “buyer beware” side of the industry. Some online merchants don’t list their materials accurately, will list foam densities per 2 cubic feet, add up the densities of several layers and list them as a single density, or list numbers in their descriptions that don’t relate to density at all (for example the 3.3, 5.5, and 6.5 listed here by Allsleep (Cloud 9) have nothing to do with foam density even though it’s clearly meant to imply to customers that it does). The PURgreen certification also doesn’t list what it tests for and is basically meaningless. I would ask some very specific “point blank” questions about the specific density of every layer in the mattresses you are looking at and also make sure you know the actual shipping weight of the mattress so you can check them to make sure they are close to being right.
PPP means Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and Personal preferences which along with the durability of the materials and your personal value equation are the basics of how to choose a mattress that is “best” for you.
If it really is memory foam with a 4 lb polymer density and if you know the density of the polyfoam base layer as well and you know the shipping weight so you can confirm the specs then it would be “legit foam” although I would personally want to know that it was CertPur certified as well just to be on the safe side.
Part of the problem with some of the online suppliers that are part of the “race to the bottom” is that you really don’t know who you are dealing with or the accuracy of their descriptions. There are many who take advantage of the fact that consumers for the most part won’t be able to tell the difference between descriptions like the ones I linked from the same supplier (Allsleep) that “sound like” one thing but are really something else or between what they “thought” they ordered and what they actually received.
There are dozens if not hundreds of suppliers that are only in business to make a quick profit that get their foam from liquidators such as this (which is Memory Foam Solutions) where you really don’t know the reliability or quality of the supply source or the reputation or integrity of the people that are selling it.
Thanks Phoenix, Yes, I see what you’re saying in those 3 links where they just add a random “model number” that appears to match common foam weights. It’s deceptive, but only for the most clueless. These toppers labelled 6.5 and 5.5 sell for $50-$100, so anyone with any basic knowledge of the foam market will know they are too cheap to be 6.5 POUND foam. Further, the same maker also sells “4lb memory foam” for a lot more money. So, it’s pretty clear to me there’s a difference, and they’re NOT claiming it to be “6.5 POUND foam”.
I think your suspicion is appropriate when applied to products simply marked as “Product 5.5” (unethical, yes) but I think it’s starting to sound like borderline paranoia or OCD when you apply it to products literally marked " 3 inches of 4 lb memory foam". That is pretty explicit, and a lot different than " 6.5 Visco Elastic Memory Foam" with no mention of the word “POUND”. Unless you’re saying that claim of “3 inches of 4 lb memory foam” is an outright lie? Have you seen this?
When you spend the amount of time that I do researching materials and sources and have a fairly broad view of the industry then caution signs or red flags become easier to spot.
Not only do some vendors outright lie … others add together the foam density of two separate layers (such as 1.5 lb base foam and 2.5 lb memory foam) and call their mattress 4 lb memory foam and others yet will calculate their foam density per 2 cubic feet. I have seen examples of all of this. I have even seen some merchants ship one product to people they thought were likely to check on their order or who asked “tough questions” and then use the feedback to their advantage and send other lower quality products to the majority of their customers who they thought wouldn’t check what they received as carefully … particularly with foam densities. There are lots of red flags and “connected sites” here and you can call it “borderline paranoia” or prudence but there are reasons for the cautions that I provide. Of course all the members here are always free to make any purchase decisions that they feel are best for them but I thought I would jump in and add a caution to some of the choices you were considering.
It would at least make sense to me to ask them for the density of the base foam and for the specific weight of the mattress you are ordering.
Damn, those are some shady ass tactics. Thanks for the caution. It sounds like you can’t be too cautious.
I will have to do a little math to calculate the expected weight, once I find out the density of the bottom layer.
Any idea who I call for that one?
If those calls don’t go as well as expected, you may want to reconsider making a quick decision based primarily on price. Even making those calls shows you are willing to do a little research and I applaud the effort. If you take it one step more you could browse through the companies listed on the underground “Our membership” tab. At least you will know that you are getting a quality product for the money.
If you buy mattresses for $400 that lasts 2 years each that equals $4000 over a 20 year period.
If you buy a single mattress for $1339 that lasts 20 years (Such as Latex) you save $2641.
Just a couple of things to think about… If you simply cannot spend that much then I would still suggest you find a lower cost alternative from the members of this site so you have a better chance at getting a mattress that will last 10 years.