Knickerbocker Engauge bed frame

This appears to be a highly regarded bed frame. I read that the legs of the frame have ‘fiberglass infused resin’. This seems to be marketed as a plus, but is this potentially bad for you to breathe in the fiberglass, or is unlikely to result in fiberglass dust?

Hi Wally288,

Welcome to our Mattress Forum! :slight_smile:

Using the term “fiberglass infused resin’” is a bit like saying “sponge infused water” instead “water infused sponge” I know it’s semantics but technically it is an incorrect term, which can lead to confusion.

The correct term is fiberglass reinforced resin. Whether it is polyester resin (as bathtubs & boats are made of), epoxy resin (as used in aircraft & boats), or vinyl ester resin (often used for chemical containers), the resin by itself is can crack or break therefore must be reinforced with some kind of fabric. What is commonly used is either fiberglass fabric or graphite fabric (as in baseball bats & spars).

Engauge is a good quality frame from Knickerbocker, less expensive, with a weight capacity of 2500 lbs, which as you mention comes with fiberglass infused resin tapered legs designer element.
The only statement the Knickerbocker makes on their site about this is
“Injection molded fiberglass infused resins are warm to the touch, hygienic, and easy to clean.”

Summarizing from a few sites I visited the consensus is that products such as Engauge legs constructed with reinforced advanced polymer resins are non-toxic, very durable, and do not produce dust under normal conditions. If there was any “dust” it could only result from sanding, grinding or cutting the composite.

I tried to look around for more info and even though this FIBREGLAST article is not relevant directly to the Knickerbocker product you may find some tidbits of interest.

P…S. Version edited for clarifications