Latex Mattress: Plushbeds 9" Botanical Bliss

Hi CDFinch,

Thanks for sharing your experience and feedback … I appreciate it.

[quote]If you read my other post from earlier this week, I ran into a problem with this mattress. We purchased it in October 2012, paid $2,200 for it after it was all said and done, and put it in the master bedroom. It felt great, slept great, was not hot at all, yada yada yada.

Fast forward 6 months…

The mattress started to develop a sag/permanent indention on my side. I am not a big person at 5’8" and 180 lbs. Yes I workout, but 180 is 180 regardless if it is muscle or fat.[/quote]

I did read your earlier post (and replied to it).

Unfortunately this is a fairly “standard” warranty criteria in the industry because warranties only cover defects in a mattress or the materials and a mattress is only considered defective if there are visible impressions in the mattress that are deeper than the warranty exclusion (see post #174 here). Most defects in materials will tend to become apparent early in the life of a mattress.

I also wouldn’t use a ruler which is shorter (and may misrepresent the depth of the impression because the ends of a shorter ruler may be resting inside the impression rather than on top of the “normal” surface that isn’t compressed) but something longer such as a yardstick or a broom handle that rests on the uncompressed surface.

Having said that … there are many latex mattresses that have exclusions that are less than the 1.5" of the Plushbeds warranty (sometimes .75" to 1") but these are normally mattresses that don’t have a quilted cover. In mattresses that have a quilted cover the exclusion is usually greater to take into account that the quilting will also impress to some degree (and this is normal) but with these the impressions are usually measured with the cover not as independent layers without the cover. Some manufacturers will ask you to measure independent layers and will approve a warranty claim if any of the layers have a visible impression that is more than 1/2". In most cases it’s the comfort layers that would be the weak link of a mattress.

All warranties exclude the loss of comfort and support that is the result of foam softening (or “virtual” impressions that are only noticeable with weight on the mattress) unless there is also a visible impression that is deeper than the exclusion.

Thanks again for your feedback and I’m certainly interested in finding out about the outcome of your claim.
