I wanted to check out latex mattresses near syracuse. W looked at wj southard line of latex mattress…cazenovian had a very plush topper and another one linklean was more to our liking- firmer than the other one. So we want to know if there are any other places nearby ,so we can check out, or if we need to order online, can I get a recommendation , on how to select the layers? We like a firmer mattress and not plushy pillow top type of mattress. Should I be asking for firm layers of latex on bottom as well as top? 120 & 170lbs , side and back sleepers. Thanks very much in advance.
The better local options or at least “possibilities” I’m aware of in the Syracuse area (and there aren’t a lot) are in post #2 here.
The members here that sell online are listed in post #21 here and are among the best quality/value in the country. While there is some detailed information in the mattresses section of the site that talks about layering in reference to body type, sleeping positions, and mattress design … this is generic and not specific to any individual. I would avoid trying to design your own mattresses ahead of time and use the results of your local testing in combination with more detailed discussions with each online manufacturer that interests you … who each have different designs and may make different suggestions (there can be different pathways to similar end results) … to help you make the most suitable layering choices that are specific to each of them. I would use their knowledge about their own mattresses, materials, and designs to your advantage so that you don’t have to spend a great deal of time to learn what they already know and will be happy to share with you.