Latex toddler mattress in Canada. Hybrid or no? Organic or no?


First of all thanks for this awesome resource, there is just so much information and helpful posts on this forum. It seems the administrator really tries very hard to answer everyone’s questions in great detail.

I would to apologize if my question has already been answered somewhere and I have missed that thread. Please feel free to reply simply with a link if that is the case.

My question is a bit complicated and is best illustrated with a bit of back story:

Around 2013 I purchased a “Grateful Bed” organic mattress from Essentia. It is difficult to find specifics of this mattress material because they now offer a newer different version and no longer have marketing promo on their website for the “Grateful Bed”. From my email history I have peiced together that I believe it was a 1" of Latex memory foam on top of 3" of dunlop support, ontop of organic cotton support.

At the time of purchase I weight about 190lbs and my wife was around 155lbs. I am mostly a side sleeper, as is my wife. From even very early on my wife began to complain about the matress. I thought she was crazy because for me it was incredible comfortable. But as time went on, I noticed some sagging. Eventually she got pregnant and gained weight up to approximately 190lbs. By the end of the pregnancy there was a very significant sag in the bed, and it made both of us very uncomfortable to sleep in (back pain, etc).

In early 2017 we contacted Essentia and enquired about their no sag warranty. It took about 1 month, but eventually they begrudgingly replaced the mattress (after several attempts at up-selling, etc). The new replacement mattress of course had all the same problems, within 9 months there was already noticeable sagging and It was beginning to become uncomfortable to sleep in.

Being a bit frugal I put up with the bed for another year, I just wasn’t ready to accept that a mattress I spent so much money on was such garbage. My wife on the other hand stopped sleeping in it and was sleeping in a separate bed.

Around Nov 2018 we moved, and in the move decided to ditch the bed, and get something new. I had convinced myself that organic was the cause of my problems, and ended up purchasing a Silk + Snow Queen Hybrid mattress. So far I am happy with this mattress, I have not yet noticed any sag, and I believe this might be in part due to the fact that it is a hybrid mattress and not just foam. Granted both myself and my wife have lost some weight (190 → 180, and 190 → 135 respectively), so perhaps this is part of it.

Question 1: Do all 100% foam mattresses without springs have this sag problem?

Now my new problem. My daughter is now 3.5 years old. And wearing 4 to 5 year old clothes. She’s significantly taller and bulkier (not fat, just big frame) than all the other kids her age. We had her in a crib with an organic baby mattress (I forget the brand) but we noticed that it was starting to sag and she was getting too big for a crib and decided it was time to get her a real bed. Additionally re-affirming my suspicion that organic mattresses have this rapid sag problem.

Enter the headache of finding a new mattress. My god the internet is full of shills and fake reviews. I was so excited to find this site, it was quite a relief to see some people sharing real information. From what I’ve gathered so far my best bet is to get her a latex mattress with a layer of wool. As I am in Canada these are the options I am considering:

A ) Shop | Dormio Organic Beds

B ) Best Organic Mattress for Children | 20 years Warranty | Obasan

C ) Natural Latex Mattress | Maoli | MFC

Question 2: None of these mattresses have springs. Are all of these going to sag like all my past organic mattresses in under a year? Should I instead try to find a Latex hybrid mattress? In which case, can you suggest any manufacturers in Canada that offer a Latex hybrid mattress designed for toddlers?

Question 3: Is this a sufficient base (on a traditional bed frame) for the above mattresses? LURĂ–Y Slatted bed base, Twin - IKEA CA Or do i need to step up to a boxspring style base?

Sorry about the super long post. Thanks for your time!

Attachments: Essentia mattress sag described in this post.

Hi ConfusedParent,

Welcome to the forum!

No, they don’t. In our experience only the lower density foams tend to sag after a few years of use. The higher density poly-foams will give you 10+ years of comfort before you start to notice some body indentations. You can minimize these body signatures by rotation the mattress every few months. Some mattresses such as our Presto Customizable Mattress with loose polyurethane foam and latex layers offer optimal mattress maintenance: By flipping the inner support layers bi-yearly, you renew and revitalize the entire mattress, whereas rotating a traditional mattress only helps maintain the top layers.

[quote]Question 2: None of these mattresses have springs. Are all of these going to sag like all my past organic mattresses in under a year? Should I instead try to find a Latex hybrid mattress? In which case, can you suggest any manufacturers in Canada that offer a Latex hybrid mattress designed for toddlers?
No, they will not sag in under a year. However body signatures of less than 1.5" are normal for all organic dunlop latex mattresses and have to be expected, it’s just the normal break-in process and does not affect support, comfort or the warranty.

For our organic dunlop latex mattresses, the manufacturer recommends:
The platform bed frame and/or mattress foundation parameters include: (1) the spacing
between the slats must be no greater than 3"; (2) the spacing between the slats can’t be
greater than the width of the slats; (3) the slat width must be no less than 2"; (4) the slats
must be at least 3/4" thick; (5) the slats must be supported by a full length mid-rail; (6) must
have at least one mid-rail support that reaches the floor.
I suggest you verify with the other manufacturers on the foundation specs they need in order to qualify for the mattress warranty.

Did I answer all your question?
Please let me know if you need any further information.

All the Best!