Layer Config-Weight difference

We are moving away from memory foam and planning our DIY king build. The wife and I are both side sleepers but I am about 100lbs heavier (240 vs 140). I’m planning on using the QE Bolsa as the base but I’m wondering if I should use a 2" medium transition layer on the whole bed or possibly use a split of medium on my side and a soft transition layer on her side? And then follow this up with a 3" soft comfort layer. What is the best way to mitigate that weight difference so she doesn’t have pressure points on her hips?

I would get a 2" Medium transition layer and then 3" soft on top. Just know that at your weight you will only get about 4-5 years out of the soft top layer before you start to see compression issues. The nice thing is that it will give you the comfort us side sleepers enjoy and you have easy access with our zippered cover to easily replace it when the time comes.

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