local/regional manufacturers near Greenville, NC (27858)

Hey Seneca55,

Welcome to the TMU Forum :slight_smile: ! Nice to have you here and thanks for your question.

[quote]I have found several pages on North Carolina but as some are years old, and none of for Greenville specifically, I wanted to see if there were any updates in terms of manufacturers no longer in business or new manufacturers not listed near me.

Here are the pages I found:

answer to lizashaw

answer to mehta

answer to kbmw94

answer to rtscout

answer to zak

answer to johnny bravo

answer to karen

answer to Hillandale 1911

answer to kizzy

Thank you.

You have done great work on researching the NC area, Seneca55 :slight_smile: ! I can tell you are doing your part for researching a new purchase and saw the other post you created today (I’ll be looking at that one a little later). From these 9 posts, some dating back to 2011, and multiple manufacturer referral links listed, you probably gathered that researching every link is next to impossible, as it is on our end, hence why they remain available for everyone’s use here on the TMU forum. With so many manufacturers and retailers available and so many changes within the retail landscape, it is impossible to maintain a current manufacturer database for the entire service area (we are world-wide in audience). Instead, we created our Trusted Member program of expert manufacturers/ retailers to help with consumer questions and education, as well as offer advice regarding component recommendations. These industry professionals have the expertise to help consumers make educated choices based on their years of experience and deep product knowledge. We feel they are among the best mattress and component producers in terms of quality, value and service. Looking forward to chatting with you more later on your other post :slight_smile: .
