Just pulled the trigger!

I just bought the 8" dunlop/talalay mattress from SleepEZ and their wood foundation. Since you convinced me to buy a full mattress instead of just a topper, I made sure to ask for the mattressunderground discount. Thanks for the help & for the discount! I hope the referral helps pay the server bills.

Hi koala,

Congratulations on your new mattress!

I’m not sure what I said to “convince” you but it certainly is a good choice.

And yes … while the server bills are paid for quite some time … it will certainly contribute to having food on the table and other “survival” needs and helping to support the 16 hour days that are the current “norm”. Thank you :slight_smile:


Well, you just pointed out that putting a latex topper on top of a mattress that already had foam might not be the best solution. I really like the guidance that you gave me, and it made me feel sure that if I need help with the layering I will have a place to ask. Cheers!