My husband and I recently purchased a Stearns and Foster Estate pillowtop mattress from Mattress Firm. While we both currently like the comfort level of the mattress, we are very concerned about the longevity in terms of “sleep ditches” and are finding that it sleeps hot (even in the winter). We can return it within 90 days and get our money back.
We looked into organic and natural mattresses before purchasing this one, but couldn’t stomach the 5-6k price tag.
After reading some of the forums, we are thinking about purchasing a good quality firm coil mattress with little or no memory foam and topping it with a 3" latex topper. We are hoping this approach increases the longevity of the mattress as well as introducing a more healthy way to sleep in terms of the latex. We really prefer the feel of coil vs all latex. looking to spend no more than 2k.
The ability to return the items is a bonus as well as natural vs synthetic latex. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
There is so much better quality and value in your budget range that this is certainly what I would do and start all over again.
IMO … there is no real reason to be looking at mattresses in this price range (unless you have a compelling reason to do so) just to buy “organic” because mattresses that use the same materials are available for less than half this price. There are also non organic materials that are just as “safe” which are less yet. The key is to shop based on materials so that an overemphasis on “organic” or even misuse of the term that you will sometimes find isn’t just a justification for prices that are much too high based on comparing the materials in the mattress and the well known willingness of consumers that are in the “organic” market niche to pay much higher prices when the word “organic” is used in the marketing of a mattress … regardless of its accuracy.
If the exact topper/mattress combination is available in the store for testing as a combination … this can be a good idea and has some real advantages over a finished mattress. If you are only buying the mattress and then adding a topper afterwards that you haven’t tested in combination with your mattress in person … then you are adding a variable that can be challenging to get right (just like buying a mattress in the first place). This can be a good option in the case of an exchange where you are limited to mattresses that are available in a particular store that are all lower quality/value but if you are looking for an innerspring/latex hybrid, I would look at mattresses that are already built with that type of construction so that you can test the specific combination in person.
The most important suggestion I would have is to make sure you have read (not “studied”) post #1 here and the information it links to. This will give you the basic information you need to make the best possible choices.
The next most important suggestion would be to connect with the experts in your area who already know what you would otherwise need to learn and who are able and willing to provide you with all the information about the materials in their mattresses and help you understand the pros and cons of each. If you let me know your city or zip … I’d be happy to let youknow of any better options or possibilities I’m aware of that are in your area.
I don’t keep track of what each retailer or manufacturer offers to any great degree because this can change constantly and would be impossible to keep track of or stay up to date (even most websites are not up to date) but the list of the better options I’m aware of in the Chapel hill area are in post #6 here. If you call these to see who offers an innerspring/latex hybrid and has it available on their floor to test you will quickly discover who has them. You could also ask them about a mattress that just uses an innerspring and natural fibers but these tend to be much more costly.
Of course you could also choose to look at other types of foam or fibers depending on what you mean by “more natural” or the “degree” of natural you are comfortable with because just about every type of material has more or less “natural” versions to some degree but most people who are looking for “more natural” would lean towards latex or natural fibers in their comfort layers.
One of our members Bay Bed and Mattress also makes a pocket coil/latex hybrid that is great quality and value and can be customized to each person’s preference and shipped anywhere in the country.