Looking for topper suggestions

I wish I would have done more reading on this site prior to buying my last mattress a few years ago. I bought a Charles p Rodgers mattress which is very nice. Just too firm for me. I’m a side sleeper and my wife is back, side or sometimes stomach sleeper. We have tried toppers from kolhs but haven’t been overly happy.

Any suggestions on a quality topper to soften up the mattress some?

Hey djdanko1,

Welcome to the Mattress Underground :slight_smile: ! Thanks for your question.

[quote]I wish I would have done more reading on this site prior to buying my last mattress a few years ago. I bought a Charles p Rodgers mattress which is very nice. Just too firm for me. I’m a side sleeper and my wife is back, side or sometimes stomach sleeper. We have tried toppers from kolhs but haven’t been overly happy. Any suggestions on a quality topper to soften up the mattress some?
That’s a good question, djdanko1. There a many “better” topper choices out there for consideration; however, I would suggest you begin by checking the TMU trusted manufacturers/ retailers’ topper offerings. All participants in our trusted member program have been strictly vetted for their experience, knowledge, quality and service practices, and share their expertise with our consumer subscribers as well.

First, let’s get more details from you: which Charles P Rodgers mattress do you have and what size; what is your budget; do you have preferences for natural materials, latex, etc.; both of your heights, weights; any other details such as “sleeping hot”. Looking forward to hearing more :wink: .


Thank you so much for the reply.

I have a queen size St Regis Mattress.

I am 5’8" 165 lbs and my Wife is 5"4" 117lbs Both athletic builds. I also don’t think we have any specific sleeping details that need to be noted. We keep our house temp low, so temperature is not a big concern.

I have no preference on materials or a budget at this point. I just want something to make the bed a bit more comfortable.
Fun fact: we attempted to sleep on the bed last night without the current topper and by 1am my wife couldn’t take it anymore and woke me up to put the topper back on which helped, but I think we can improve it even more.

PS: I am loving the changes to the site and wish it was like then when I was looking for information. I was a bit overwhelmed with the old site and this makes it much more navigational and easy to find information.

Charles p Rogers/ real bed makes a topper with ~ 1" soft talalay and 1 inch microcoils. Have you considered that one?

I looked at it, but was unsure if it was good quality and worth the price. I guess I need to do some research on what makes a topper good and what to look for.

Hey djdanko1,

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile: .

[quote]I am 5’8" 165 lbs and my Wife is 5"4" 117lbs Both athletic builds. I also don’t think we have any specific sleeping details that need to be noted. We keep our house temp low, so temperature is not a big concern.

I have no preference on materials or a budget at this point. I just want something to make the bed a bit more comfortable. Fun fact: we attempted to sleep on the bed last night without the current topper and by 1am my wife couldn’t take it anymore and woke me up to put the topper back on which helped, but I think we can improve it even more.
While this particular Phoenix article is not about mattress toppers per se, it does discuss how different fabrications in the quilting layer of a mattress respond to comfort preferences and you may find it a helpful starting point: “The Quilting Layer of a Mattress: Materials & Function”. Actually djdanko1, I think your question has created the inspiration for a research article on mattress toppers, I’ll be running that by Phoenix for a future project! But back to your current situation…if you have no preference for materials and no set budget, the mattress topper options are wide and varied. In the “natural” category, there are latex toppers, wool toppers, and feather beds. In the more mainstream category, you will find plenty of PU foam/ memory foam choices (perhaps your Kohls’ topper even). Do give our TMU trusted members consideration, their product quality and construction design is superior to what you’ll find on Wayfair, department stores, etc. Our trusted members support their products post sale too by offering generous in-home sleep trials and “comfort exchanges”, giving you the ability to try one firmness for a 30 day sleep trial period with the possibility of swapping for a different firmness should that be necessary. Special bonus to TMU consumer subscribers: any consumer posting at least one question (and you have now) may use a code TMU discount towards a purchase with one of our participating trusted members :slight_smile: . You can learn more about that program when visiting the TMU Trusted Member listing.

Thanks too for your kind words and praise on the new site upgrades :slight_smile: . I’ll pass those along to Phoenix and the TMU support team, they have been working tirelessly for nearly a year to bring these enhancements to life and I’m glad to hear you’re finding the interface more efficient. Keep us updated when you decide, I’ll be interested in hearing how your mattress topper research goes.
