Mattress Confusion

After a lengthy investigation, my wife and I had just about narrowed our search for a new king size mattress to the Ultimate Dreams Eurotop Latex Mattress offered through Amazon. We have not had a foam mattress previously and because this was an untested online purchase, we were particulary interested in the flexibility offered by this mattress to be able to adjust the firmness if we found the firmness of the orginal matttress to be unsuitable.

Then a new factor came into play. For a variety of reasons, we became interested in an adjustable bed, in particular a split king, which would require two twin mattresses rather than a single king. Now we’re back to determining the appropriate mattress (or mattresses in this case). From other information on the Forum, we recognize that there may be some different considerations that need to be made for an adjustabbe bed. Would the the Ultimate Dreams Eurotop still be a good choice for the adustable bed mattresses? What others would you suggest that we consider?

Hi eltampa,

An adjustable bed can be used with any mattress that can bend to the shape of the bed without damaging the mattress. This means that in most cases an all foam mattress (either polyfoam, memory foam, or latex) is ideal. Even some innersprings that can bend more easily (such as a pocket coil or other innersprings that are specially made for an adjustable bed) can work well. If there is ever any doubt then the manufacturer would let you know if the use of an adjustable bed would be suitable for a particular mattress or would affect the warranty coverage.

In most cases the choice of mattress wouldn’t be affected because the adjustable bed would just be a firm flat base just like any other firm foundation but if you are a back sleeper that plans to use the bed to sleep in a more elevated position for health or other reasons then it may allow for a slightly firmer mattress because elevating the bed (either the legs or the head) can change the pressure distribution on the mattress and reduce some of the stress and pressure on the lower back which in turn may allow for the use a slightly firmer mattress.

In most cases though … with the exception of making sure that it is suitable for an adjustable bed … you would be choosing the same mattress in terms of PPP (Pressure relief, Posture and alignment, and personal preferences) as you would on any other firm foundation.



Thanks for the prompt response regarding mattress suitability for an adjustable bed. We live in the Kansas City area. Are there any local manufacturers in our area that you would recommend?

hi eltampa,

Some of the better options and possibilities I’m aware of (including two local factory direct manufacturers) in the kansas City area are in post #2 here.

They have some stiff “competition” if you are considering any of the Dreamfoam mattresses but there is also value in being able to test a mattress locally as well. No matter what … they will give you some reference points for various firmness levels with latex which will be helpful no matter which way you decide to go.
