Mattress Identification Help

Hello all,
I was recently given a mattress by my relative, and am curious as to what the make / firmness / year etc of it is. There are no identifiable brand names on the mattress anywhere.
From observation, the mattress is a double sized bed, memory foam construction, and is emblazoned with countless International Chiropractors Association (ICA) logos across its fabric.
I’ll try to work out how to upload a photo or two in the meantime to help with this conundrum.
Any help greatly appreciated!

Hi Harro,

I believe it would either be a King Koil mattress since they are the only mattress manufacturer that is included in the list of ICA partners/sponsors or it could be a SleepLogic mattress since they also seem to have an ICA endorsement (even though they aren’t listed in the ICA site).

As far as how soft or firm it would be you would be the best judge of that based on your actual sleeping experience.

I don’t know anything about when it was made or the specific type or quality of the materials or components inside it.

Hopefully one of the members here may see your post and recognize it (since the cover is fairly distinctive) and be able to provide you with more information.


Thanks a bunch for the reply Phoenix, much appreciated!

Hi all,
I slept on a mattress at an airbnb that I absolutely loved and I am really wanting to buy one or something similar for my next apartment. I couldn’t find any real identification on the mattress, other than the pattern covering the entirety of the mattress (which I have attached a picture of). I think the tag said that it was sold by Walmart, but not totally sure on that as I have searched through all the mattresses on the website but haven’t found a pattern that matches. If I had to guess, I’d say was about a foot thick and maybe some type of cool gel mattress - no springs, just a big piece of foam. Can anyone help me identify this mattress?

Hey Hayleyr,

Welcome to the mattress forum :).

I am not able to tell from the cover, plus Wal-Mart has so may online brands (not in-store) and they change constantly also. Really hard to match the cover. Have you tried to email the Airbnb owners? If you do get information, a photo of law tag would also be helpful. I’d be curious also, how was the bedding, sheets comforters, down, etc. I learned years ago that the “Westin Heavenly Bed” was really a midline Simmons innerspring mattress, but had really nice bedding…good luck, let us know if you hear back anything.


Sorry to jump in but I can’t find a way of posting a new thread?
Can somebody help me identify my mattress please? The label is removed.
It’s memory foam and springs about 15 years old. I want to buy the same make again.
Thanks in advance

Hey Lofty,

Welcome to the mattress forum :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, there is really no way to determine what this mattress is by a photo of the cover. Law Tag helps but that may not tell you exactly what mattress this is. Do you have any brand and store information?

And another unfortunate point even if you find out it’s a “Sealy” of “Simmons” for example they won’t be making the same make and model anymore, they change them every year or two.

Let us know if you have any more questions.


I am hoping to find out if my mother’s mattress will work with an adjustable platform. It is a Spring Air model number 210898-1050, the website was no help and support hasn’t even sent a confirmation of email received. If that isn’t enough information, I was thinking of taking a 2x4 and putting it under the mattress and lifting towards the front and back to simulate an adjustable platform to see if the mattress bends good or bad? I was hoping to save some money by buying a used adjustable platform. Thank you for any help. (I tried to post a couple of .jpg images, but even after getting them under 800 pixels it says: Image MIME type (%s) is not allowed (%s). If the pictures would help anyone in answering, then let me know and I will contact support for more help. I did as much as I could with the help file alone.)

Sorry if I did this wrong. After posting in this topic, I realized that I should start my own topic, but I can’t see how to delete this reply?