Hello! Just wondering if there might be a place with good quality mattresses in or near the Mankato, Minnesota area. It’s time for a new one. It looks like latex is the way to go for me, although I have never been on a latex mattress. I like that it is environmentally friendly and seems to have great reviews. I recently found that I like the way memory foam feels… from laying in some for a tiny bit in the stores. I am open to anything though as long as it feels good and is durable! Thank you
Hi MiraLee,
Post #9 here should help
Hopefully you’ve also had the chance to read post #1 here which has all the basic information, steps, and guidelines that can help you make the best possible choices.
Thank you for this site! It is so informative! I went to the Mankato Mattress Man, (as recommended by this site, upfront business, with low overhead and good prices), and bought a restonic tempagell mattress! I am very happy with it. It took some initial getting used to-- most likely due to the fact I was sleeping on an air mattress (the guest bed kind that you can roll up and put in your closet) with a slow air leak for 2 years. Anyways, the restonic tempagell mattress is supportive and comfortable, I am sleeping better and waking up with less pain. One negative about this mattress: there is some mild offgassing, I just try to air out the room whenever the weather permits.
Thank you for helping me find my mattress
Hi MiraLee,
Congratulations on your new mattress
The Tempagel mattresses generally use good quality materials and are better value than the majority of mainstream mattresses that most consumers end up buying and you also made your purchase from a retailer that is focused on providing meaningful information and the best possible quality and value to their customers.
The odor of the offgassing will usually fade over time and Restonic is CertiPur certified so you don’t have to be concerned that what you are smelling would be harmful.
Thanks for letting us know what you ended up buying … it seems to me you made a good choice all around.