Micheala plush vs Wanda plush Sterns & Foster

Is ther any difference in the Micheala plush and the Wanda plush Strens & Foster, sold at different retailers? Should I be worried about the statement “gets softer with age”? My back would ache if it got too soft. In terms of durability, would you comment on the Stern&Foster Estate line? I need cushioning for sore joint and support for my back. Do you have any specific recommendations?

Hi Carolcapraro,

The first place I would start before considering any major brand (or any mattress where you aren’t able to find out the quality of the materials) is post #1 here. The information, steps, and guidelines it contains will help you make much better choices although it will also involve a completely different and more materials oriented approach to buying a mattress from the one you are currently following.

A mattress is only as good as its construction and the quality of the materials inside it and any mattress that contains 6" of unknown (and lower quality) polyfoam would be a very risky purchase at any price much less the prices that they list. Low quality materials in the comfort layers of a mattress are the weak link of a mattress will be subject to softening and breakdown much faster than higher quality more durable materials.

You can see the layering of the Michaela Plush tight top here and the Wanda Plush tight top here (which is the same as the Twila) which indicates that they use the same foam layering but neither description provides any information about the quality of any of the materials in the mattress which you would need to make an informed buying decision or make meaningful quality and value comparisons to other mattresses.

These are exactly the types of materials that cause most of the early softening problems that you read about so often and the biggest problem is that the softening of lower quality polyfoam and the loss of comfort and support that goes along with it isn’t covered by a warranty.
