might replace tempurpedic with an aireloom...but why so many brand versions out there?

:huh: :unsure: Hi-
I have over thought and analyzed this so much i don’t know which direction to go! We bought a Tempurpedic Rhapsody about 6 months ago. Husband loved it, but he can sleep on anything. I wasn’t thrilled but have insomnia anyways. 6 months into it and now visiting a sleep clinic since my sleep is so off, I realized I had to change out the mattress. I went back to the store, well past the 100 day trial, and they have been so helpful and accommodating and are allowing us to still exchange our mattress for it’s full purchase price!
Since I bought the Rhapsody, they now have Aireloom mattresses in-house. I like the more organic and natural materials and i am stuck on choosing between 3 version. the carribean plush, the emerald, or (i hate this name), the Princess Sophia (which i was told is the same as the Michelle at Bloomingdale’s but i am not confident on that)
i like the initial springiness to the carribean plush, but worry that my husbands tossing and turning will wake me. Or that the spring will be the first thing to wear in and leave a depression in the mattress.
i love the Princess Sophia, but worry it may be too soft or that it won’t wear well through the years for it’s extremely high price.
My biggest concern is that the Aireloom company seems to change the names of the beds depending on who is selling them, which makes it tough to check reviews, competitive pricing, etc. It also makes me a bit suspicious (a bad trait i have anyway). if it’s a great bed, wouldn’t they want to have a name that is recognizable and able to be recommended by customers? why all these strange names and slight color variations?
I ordered it tonight and then completely panicked…but it’s not too late to change my mind or go for a different version of the mattress. or even a different brand. though i do like the “made in the USA” and hand crafting.
I have had such horrible luck buying mattresses that i am literally freaking out about making such a huge purchase that could make my sleep even worse.
Whatever information you might have on the Aireloom brands, especially the 3 above, I would be forever grateful!
Oh, and I am buying at the Mattress Firm. Their customer service thus far has been really amazing and the sales person knowledgeable and patient (i was there for 3 hours today testing mattresses!)

Hi MDn,

You’re in somewhat of a difficult position because you are limited to what Mattress Firm carries for an exchange and there’s not a lot there (none that I can see) I would consider buying.

The main reason for this is that each store wants to have a mattress that they can claim is unique which makes comparison shopping more difficult or sometimes impossible and allows them to charge higher prices without “competition”. Most major manufacturers do this and have many different names (sometimes a dozen or more) for essentially the same mattress so that the same model name isn’t available anywhere else nearby for consumers to compare mattresses and prices.

I think it would be fairly easy to be patient if you have a customer that is spending (or has spent) that kind of money for a mattress with that kind of profit margin. Knowledgeable is another matter.

A mattress is only as good as the materials that are in it and if you really want to find out how knowledgeable the sales person is … I would ask them to tell you exactly what is in the mattress … layer by layer. Make sure it includes the density of any polfoam or memory foam in the mattress. This is the only way to get any meaningful idea of the real quality and value of a mattress you are buying or to make a comparison with the mattress you are considering with another mattress (such as the Michelle at Bloomingdales)

Comfort (pressure relief) is what you feel when you first lie on a mattress. Support (spinal alignment) is what you feel when you get up in the mornings (and is more difficult to test for in a showroom but post #11 here may help). Quality and durability is what the mattress will feel like in a year or more down the road. Lower quality materials can feel and perform just as well as higher quality materials … the difference is that the feel and performance doesn’t last. You can’t feel the quality of the materials and the only way to recognize it is by knowing the details of the construction and materials in the mattress.

If they can’t tell you (which is likely ) … then I would at least look at the law tag which will tell you the contents of the mattress by weight. The material you want to avoid or at least know where it is in your mattress is polyfoam which is generally the cheapest of the mattress materials. I would never consider purchasing a mattress where the outlet you are buying it from can’t tell you the quality of the materials in every layer of your mattress.

I would be very careful … especially if you are spending more than you spent on the Rhapsody. These are not particularly good value mattresses and getting in “deeper” financially is probably not the best idea unless you know for certain that this is the way you want to go … and why.


PS: It may also help to know what the issue is with your Rhapsody … is it pressure relief issues, alignment issues, or something else?

i am compiling the info on the layers to post.

i am trading in the rhapsody because of 2 reasons mainly:
first-i don’t move in it. while that seemed like a nice idea at first (if you don’t move you must be comfy, right?), when i wake up and yawn it feels like i have cracked a rib. even though it feels a bit firm, it seems i sink in enough that i don’t ever roll over. and certainly not without waking up fully.
second - i really don’t like how hot it feels. I had heard warnings of that and didn’t think it would be a big deal, but it just kind of made me feel gross when i woke up in the morning if it had been a hot summer night.

ok, so i got some info on the layers an materials (though my notes are a bit non-linear)
there is joma wool and silk in the quiltd layer with an organic cotton cover
the mattress has foam encased springs and he said it was a 1.7 30lb rail. (hope that makes sense)
honeycomb, nested and zoned springs
the upper layers are:
1 3/4" convoluted foam - 18lb
2" talalay latex - 2 weight zones, 22 or 19
1" reflex foam - 22lb
1" visco Aerus foam - 28lb

the model i am looking at most closely resembles the synch support on their website which says:

• Body pressure-relieving construction
• Patented “fill box” design
• Man-made and natural components
• Patented 3-channel border
• English outer tufting design
• English honeycombed, nested and zoned
• 882 (queen size) individually wrapped coils
• Lumbar support
Edge support:
• Reflex™ premium bio-foam perimeter encasement
• Jacquard damask/Oeko-Tex certified/Forrestex
• Bamboo (some models)
• 8-way hand tied OR 140 module
• Sustainable forest lumber
• 20 / 10 year prorated warranty

• Natural Talalaly latex
• Surface modified high density foam
• Visco elastic memory foam
• Aerus™ cool shape conforming visco
• Reflex™ luxury bio-foams
• Plush convoluted quilting foam
• High density support base foam

:huh: now my head is spinning…

Phoenix - what are your thoughts on this kind of construction with these materials? (thank you by the way for all of your insightful comments throughout the site!)


The ability to move and change position on a mattress is an essential part of healthy sleep and while “tossing and turning” in response to pressure and alignment issues is not good … lack of movement is also not healthy (we normally change position about a dozen times or more over the course of the night). this is one of the most frequent “complaints” about memory foam and it’s tendency to restrict movement.

This is the second main complaint about slow response materials. They conform to your body very closely and tend to allow people to sink in more which puts a thicker layer of less open celled and insulating material (compared to other types of foam) around the body which can create or aggravate heat issues.

I should give credit where credit is due that they provided the specifics of the layering of the mattress. This is certainly not the norm either from a manufacturer level or from a retailer level. Even less common is the ability of most salespeople to interpret the information and make meaningful sense out of it.

So here are a few comments layer by layer.

there is joma wool and silk in the quiltd layer with an organic cotton cover:

Joma wool and silk are both good quality (and more costly) materials but they don’t say how thick these layers are (or their weight per yard) or if there are other types of fiber included in the mix. A thin layer of these fibers would be much less expensive than a thicker layer and in the case of thicker layers … they may be subject to some natural compression and body impressions (which in the case of natural fibers is not a “defect” or the result of the material breaking down). In general though … this is a “good” layer (if that’s all that is in it). Organic cotton is also a good ticking material.

1 3/4" convoluted foam - 18lb:

I’m assuming that this is 1.8 lb (rather than an ILD rating of 18 which is a softness rating). If this is the case … then this is a relatively higher quality grade of polyfoam called HD (high density) and is better quality than is often used but is still lower quality and lower performance than the highest grade of polyfoam which is called HR (high resilience which is denser and has better performance) which would be more appropriate for a higher cost or premium mattress. It would be more durable than lower densities that are often used in lower quality mattresses (such as 1.5 or 1.2 lb) and would typically be found in mid level or better mattresses made by many manufacturers. This would not typically be the grade (or even the type of foam) that was used in more premium mattresses made by higher value manufacturers.

2" talalay latex - 2 weight zones, 22 or 19:

This is a higher quality and more costly material than polyfoam but there is only 2" of it so the cost of the mattress should reflect this.

1" reflex foam - 22lb:

If this is 2.2 lb polyfoam (rather than 22 ILD polyfoam which again is a softness rating rather than a quality rating) then it would be a slightly better grade of HD polyfoam but still not in the same quality/performance range as HR polyfoam.

1" visco Aerus foam - 28lb:

Aerus is a particularly breathable and open celled meory foam made by foamex/FXI but it is made in many different density/quality levels. This a a particularly low quality version of Aerus and comparable to some of the cheapest Aerus toppers sold at Walmart. Because is seems to be deeper in the mattress (assuming the order you are listing is correct) then it would be more durable because it would be less subject to mechanical compression. A very thin layer of low density/quality memory foam or polyfoam is also sometimes used in quilting layers because if it is thin enough and already very soft … then further softening would have little effect on the mattress.

• English honeycombed, nested and zoned
• 882 (queen size) individually wrapped coils:

These are probably good quality although it only provides partial information about the coils themselves (in terms of gauge and number of turns). Zoned coils means that the innerspring system is firmer in the middle area which provides better support for the middle hip/pelvis area of the body which is heavier. When you have a firmer middle section of a layer this is what is often referred to as “lumbar support”. This is a fairly common innerspring construction.

the mattress has foam encased springs and he said it was a 1.7 30lb rail. (hope that makes sense):

This is a layer or “tub” of firmer polyfoam that is used on the outside edges of the innersprings to provide some extra edge firmness for sitting and to increase the sleeping surface area of the mattress (it helps prevent “rolloff” at the edges which can happen with softer pocket coils). It is still only mid grade foam so it will be subject to softening and breakdown with repeated use of sitting on the edges of the mattress.

In addition to all of this … the construction methods of the mattress are good because of hand tufting and side stitching (if this mattress has this) both of which prevent shifting of materials and add to the integrity and stability of the mattress.

So overall … the materials and construction of this mattress would put it in a mid/high grade Not premium) in terms of value IMO and the price should reflect this. Mattresses like this should be significantly less than what you paid for the Rhapsody (which is also poor value based on comparing it to other mattresses that use the same type of layering and quality of materials.

A mattress is only as good as it’s “weakest link” which is this case would be the 2.75" polyfoam layers, the low quality memory foam, and the polyfoam “rail”. While these layers are a little higher quality than most mainstream brands … they are nowhere near the quality of either HR polyfoam or latex and the memory foam used … even though it is a thin layer … is also lower cost/quality.

If this mattress includes an 8 way hand tied boxspring … then this would also add significantly to the cost of the set because these are good quality and more expensive to make than “regular” box springs or foundations (if they really are hand tied).

While the layering order and position of each layer would make a difference … overall this mattress has some significant “weak links” and whether I would consider it would depend on whether these materials were appropriate for the price I was paying. My guess is that you are paying a price that would put it in the “poor value” range.

I would ask myself … does this mattress really provide significantly better PPP (Pressure relief, Posture and alignment, and Personal preferences) than a sleeping system that used similar or better materials or construction that was just as durable in “real life” that costs under say $2000. Is any difference in price worth it to you and can you identify why it is worth it (outside of the “marketing story” that is attached to the mattress)? does it really provid you with better pressure relief … better alignment … and more of the personal preferences you are looking for than other mattresses or “sleeping systems” that may be available at a much lower cost?

Are you being asked to pay more for this than the Rhapsody exchange?


yes, it is twice as much as the Rhapsody. and that is with negotiating a significantly lower price than what is shown on the floor.

we are not getting a box spring/foundation as we have a solid wood platform bed.

when i asked about the layers i asked for “the weight” and was told 18, 22, etc…so it was not 1.8


If this is mattress only then the “lower quality” materials inside don’t belong in a mattress that is even the same price as the Rhapsody or even significantly lower IMO.

You are “feeding” many people (and feeding them very well I may add) when you pay these kind of prices for a mattress with these materials.

When people are talking about polyfoam density they will often say “eighteen” which means “one point eight”. Polyfoam is rated as four numbers … for example 1832 which is expressed as “eighteen thirty two” and the first two numbers are the density and the second two numbers are the ILD (or softness). This is why some people will just use “eighteen” as the density even though 18 lb polyfoam doesn’t exist as a mattress material.

Softness is also expressed using “weight” because it is the amount of weight that it takes for a 50 sq inch “foot” to compress a 4" layer of polyfoam by 25% or an inch (18 and 22 would both be considered soft) and if this is the “weight” they are referring to then the density/quality could be lower… but I suspect they are referring to density.


Perhaps you can see if the Mattress Firm has access to Aireloom’s newer “A3” product line for you.
I recently saw these sets in an LA-area retailer, and I was very impressed with the quality of the product.
You can check out an article about these mattress sets here.
Somehow, they still haven’t made it to the Aireloom website yet.
Because they are designed as a 3-part “system” with foundation, “middle mattress”, and “ComfortTop” pad, you should get more longevity by eventually changing out the top, instead of the whole mattress, and definitely more customization, by using different tops for you and your husband, if you want.

Another alternative is to try to get your money back, like I did, and purchase a new mattress from a more value-oriented retailer or factory direct that Phoenix could recommend.

It is really hard to get your money back from a mattress retailer if their policies prevent refunds, but I found that “where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

thanks LAsleeper! They did have something like this there, though i didn’t like the middle seam and it felt much too soft.
Since i waited so long to return the tempurpedic (6 months rather than 100 days), the refund wouldn’t apply. Though I have the option to return the current one i have on order if we don’t like it in 100 days as well. I would imagine that would not include the “trade-in” value of the tempurpedic though. I am hoping if it really doesn’t work, they will give me my money back. but i now i may just be left with poor sleep because it would appear i am over paying by quite a bit. I truly wish I had found this site months ago!
Any other advice out there is welcomed!

Hi MDn,

The first think I would probably suggest when you are dealing with a retailer where there are few or even no good value choices is to never “trade up” on an exchange. Hopefully you are not locked in to the higher price of the Aireloom for any further exchanges you may decide on.

The second suggestion I would make is to consider the firmest " reasonable quality" mattress they have and then to add your own toppers (latex and/or wool) to customize the comfort of the mattress. Something like this would be a reasonable choice for this approach (out of what they have available). You’ll notice that the S&F has many of the benefits of the Aireloom … foam encased pocket coils, and a similar amount of polyfoam and you could add any latex and/or wool you wanted on the top of the mattress for considerably less than the Aireloom. This wouldn’t be an exact “match” but you would have the flexibility of choosing toppers that “fit” the comfort level you were looking for.

The only problem with exchanging for the Stearns & Foster would be that it is a lower price than the Rhapsody and you may lose the difference (which may still be better than overpaying even more than your original purchase and getting in even deeper). If you were adamant that this is what you wanted then they may even consider a partial refund for the difference … although this is not likely.

If they sell latex toppers then you may be able to combine the mattress and the topper for your exchange but I didn’t see any on the site.

Just a suggestion or “possibility” :slight_smile:


well, the wheels were already in motion when i found this invaluable site…

1: i now know i paid way too much for this mattress and will utilize this site and local manufacturers in the future

2: i took delivery of the Aireloom yesterday. I was pretty far into testing and had ordered it and had delivery scheduled. If this isn’t a great mattress to sleep on, i will exchange it for the above recommended firm and get a mattress topper. I was exhausted from agonizing over a bad decision and just had to realize i might have to chalk this up to a bad decision in a few years.

3: Aireloom night 1: first night went pretty well. Husband and 2 pugs loved it. Husband said he slept better than on the tempurpedic. i slept better than on our tempurpedic or our 8 year old guest mattress (which was our original main mattress, is still way too firm for me, but a great well built mattress it seems. am going to try the topper out on this for our guests to soften it up…once i pay off the Aireloom :frowning: )
Had a bit of a sore mid and upper back when i woke up, pretty sure it is because of my tempurpedic pillow. As soon as we got in bed i could tell the pillow was not as good of a match with the Aireloom and it felt too hard and as if my head was too high up. Will adjust that tonight. sad as i really loved that pillow before!
a couple of weeks to really see how it feels, but at least i did not wake up unrested or angry (as i was worried i would!)
best thing is that i actually MOVED overnight, and was not stuck melted into my tempurpedic. :slight_smile:
will follow up in a couple of weeks…

Hi MDn,

Hopefully this will work well for you and there are some good features about the mattress, but I would make sure that it’s “perfect” over the course of your trial period because anything less than this wouldn’t be worth it. If it is, then good quality sleep is worth making a few “mistakes” :slight_smile:

It isn’t at all unusual to need a new pillow when you buy a new mattress because you will sink in differently and the distance between your head and neck and the mattress will often be different.

Natural movement is an important part of healthy sleep and this is one of the disadvantages of many memory foam mattresses that are too temperature sensitive. There are a lot of people who believe that not turning or moving at all is a sign of “good sleep” but this is not the case. Of course “tossing and turning” is another story again but your new mattress should provide for much easier movement on the mattress which IMO is a good thing :slight_smile:

Another advantage of your new mattress over the Tempurpedic is the natural fibers in the quilting which will provide for better temperature regulation as well.

I’m looking forward to your followup “report”.


long overdue follow up:

finally found our ideal mattress! AND IT IS OUR OLD ORIGINAL MATTRESS!! ha! classic. the Aireloom is in the guest room. people love it, but i think those soft, melt into the squishiness mattresses are great for hotels or visits, but NOT long term. Also, my side has a distinct divot that has developed. i am sure not enough to get a warranty fix/replacement, but enough that when i had hamstring surgery and had to sleep in the lower level guest room, it hyper extended my leg enough because i was sunk in just a bit that i needed support pillows so i didn’t stretch the tendon too much.

i DO NOT recommend the aireloom.
our classic old school firm basic Simmons Beautyrest Legacy Elite Firm was apparently just fine. the good news is, our guests love the expensive mattress, so i guess it’s still a win? :confused:

Hi MDn,

Thanks for taking the time to share your “2 years later” update … I appreciate it :slight_smile:
