My first time DIY Latex mattress experience.

Hi, all.
I was read this forum and was looked for a new mattress after I decided to go for an adjustable bed. After I read this forum for several weeks so I decided to go for DIY latex mattress and went to buy three layers topper from Latexmattressfactory.
My info: Male : 5’ 9" : 165 lbs Side (70%) and back (30%) sleeper. (Sleep with side but most of the time wake up with back position)

Comfort layer : 3" Soft (ILD 19) Talalay
Middle : 3" Med (ILD 28) Dunlop
Support : 3" Firm (ILD 38) Dunlop

I use the a stretch bamboo mattress cover. It feel a very little bit firmer than without the cover (I will use the cover anyway).
The problem with me so far is. While I do side sleep. My shoulder was a little bit uncomfortable and after I woke up. I feel my shoulder is a little bit stiff but still feel better than my old mattress.
So, I decided to add another 2" very soft (ILD 14) blend-talalay from Arizona Premium Mattress. I was trying to find 1" but can’t find anyone carry them.

I tried the 2" (ILD14) on the top. 2" (ILD14) 3"(ILD19) 3"(ILD28) 3"(ILD38)
It feel very soft and not give any support for my hip at all. My shoulder sink very well in the mattress and comfortable with it but my hip is more sinking and cause a problem on my lumbar. I also have a mild lower back problem when I wake up.

Try to do shuffle and use 2" (ILD14) , 3"(ILD19), 3"(ILD38) ,3"(ILD28) … a little bit better but still not right.

So, I decide to try to use it under 3" (ILD 19) Talalay. From top to bottom 3"(ILD19) → 2"(ILD14) → 3"(ILD28) → 3"(ILD38). This combination is better so far but still have a little bit problem on my lumbar (when back sleep position) and upper back (while sleep with side position).

Right now. I still can’t decide … do I need to go for zoning DIY mattress ? Or try to change 2" (ILD14) for 1" (ILD14) ?? Don’t know if Arizona Premium Mattress carry it or not. And the price for ship it back and forth for exchange might be costly than buy a 2" medium (ILD28) or 2" firm (ILD38) and cut it for zoning. The thing is. I have to make a decision before 11/10 (The last day to send mattress cover back) because right now I have two mattress covers with me. The 9" and 11" height.

I really love the feel of 3" ILD19 Talalay. It perfect for my back and hip but still not that perfect for my shoulder. ( Just a little bit …more give and it would be perfect )

Looking back. If I have this experience before. I would try hard to find someone carry a 1" ILD14 (blend or not) talalay. I believe it might fit my need or if it not. I can order another 1" medium and use it as a zoning mattress and save the price different between 2" and 1".
Or order 2" ILD19 instead of 3" (cause 1" ILD14 is very hard to find than 2" ILD 14)

If I go for zoning. I might buy 2" medium (ILD 28) and cut it use it as two zones. From top to bottom.
3" ILD19
2" ILD14 for my shoulder and upper + 2" ILD 28 for my back and lower
3" ILD28
3" ILD38

Don’t want to cut the 3" ILD19 but if that not work I might use it like this.
From top → bottom
2" ILD14 for my shoulder, upper + 3" ILD19 for my back , lower
3" ILD19 for my shoulder, upper + 2" ILD 28 for my back , lower
3" ILD 28
3" ILD 38

Well, tonight. I will try the 9" from my day one again. Tomorrow might try 2" on top → 3" Med → 3" Firm.

Don’t know if the 3" ILD19 → 5" ILD 28 → 3" ILD38 will feel the same as 3" ILD19 → 3" ILD28 → 3" ILD38. This is my concern right now. What if the 5" (2"+3") ILD28 is not enough support for my hip and back ? It would be disaster after spend that kind of money. Or should I go for a save bet … order 2" ILD38 (firm) and cut most of my latex layer.
That would be
3" ILD19
2" ILD14 shoulder, upper + 3" ILD28 back, hip, lower
3" ILD28 shoulder, upper + 2" ILD38 back, hip, lower
3" ILD38


2" ILD 14 shoulder,upper + 3" ILD19 back, lower
3" ILD 19 shoulder,upper + 3" ILD28 back, lower
3" ILD 28 shoulder,upper + 2" ILD38 back, lower
3" ILD 38

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated !!

One thing that I experience while trying is.
Dunlop and Talalay feel really different. I was try ILD20 Dunlop before I buy ILD19 Talalay.
The 20ILD (use it as a topper on my old mattress) feel good but hurt my upper back and my shoulder. I think because of my weight is too light even its rate as soft ILD.
After that experience. I understand why a lot of manufactures suggest Talalay as a comfort layer than Dunlop.

Also, pillow plays a significant role on different ILD mattress. It is really fun to find a mattress that perfect match for yourself. The turning point is … it cost to try that …
People are different even they are the same height and weight as you. The mattress that perfect for them might not work for you (but for me it was very close though)

Hey rurika,

Welcome to the Mattress Underground :slight_smile: ! Thanks for your question.

[quote]One thing that I experience while trying is.
Dunlop and Talalay feel really different. I was try ILD20 Dunlop before I buy ILD19 Talalay.
The 20ILD (use it as a topper on my old mattress) feel good but hurt my upper back and my shoulder. I think because of my weight is too light even its rate as soft ILD.
After that experience. I understand why a lot of manufactures suggest Talalay as a comfort layer than Dunlop.[/quote]

Good job on the thorough layering experimental sleep trials, rurika :slight_smile: ! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the different pairings of Talalay and Dunlop together, sounds like you are coming closer to reaching the ideal pressure- relieving “feel” you seek for your comfort and support preferences. Indeed, the feel of Dunlop latex vs. Talalay is quite different, Dunlop latex having a firmer, less “lively” feel and Talalay latex having a softer, more “uplifting” feel. For others following your research and observations, Phoenix’s articles “Mattress Comfort Layers- Latex Foam” and “Latex: Pros and Cons” speak more to the properties and uses of both manufacturing processes.

Thank you for pointing out the significance of the pillow, rurika! The pillow(s) used with a mattress can be either unsung heroes or super villains, depending on how well they are treated or how long they have been neglected. It is important to remember that with a new mattress too, your body will go through a natural process of adapting to a different alignment and continued use of pillows from a previous mattress could impede that process. In other words, your neck and shoulders may not be supported correctly on the new mattress using a pillow that wasn’t designed with the new mattress’s optimal performance in mind.

These are wise words and well stated, a reminder often addressed here on the TMU forum. Good to learn that you are patiently making your way towards getting closer to “perfect” for you and let us know which layering results in DIY success :wink: .
