My Pillow topper?

I see My Pillow also makes a 3 inch topper. Presumably it’s the same shredded material as in their pillows. Any thoughts on whether this would just be too squishy (as compared for example to the usual solid latex topper) to be useful? Has anyone here tried one?

Hi Pspa123,

The My Pillow topper uses polyfoam foam that is 3" thick. It appears to be 2 layers laminated together. There is 1" on top with a Thermaphase (Elite Foam) gel component, and then a 2" base polyfoam layer. It is not the shredded polyfoam fill used in their pillows.

There is no meaningful information presented on their web site about the quality/density/IFD of these foam layers, and regardless of that information it wouldn’t contain componentry that would be as durable as an all-latex topper.


Very helpful thanks. It’s hard for me to believe there is anything special about the shredded polyfoam pillows either, but they do seem to have lots of testimonials and reviews.

Hi Pspa123,

It’s just three different sizes of pieces of shredded reticulated polyfoam.

I think the problem with reviews in general (and why I was determined from the beginning to never allow this site to degenerate into a “review” site) is that each one doesn’t have the specific information about all the variables that can contribute to the suitability of a pillow or mattress (details about the person and the pillow or mattress) that would make them more meaningful. Almost everyone has seen reviews where some reviewers are adamant that a product is “too firm” and others are just as adamant that the same product is “too soft”. I have seen reviews that are 95% + positive of products that have many thousands of reviews and are using junk foam that won’t last for most people for any reasonable length of time.

People in general (and this is an unfortunate commentary on the society we live in where information that is “pushed” at people or repeated enough times becomes believable in the absence of their own deeper or more specific research) often tend to take the easy way out and buy products based on the “approval” or opinions of others … and in many cases come to regret it. Major manufacturers are well aware of the lack of reliable information about pillow and mattress materials or the lack of critical thinking or discernment that is so common in our society today and take full advantage of it.

Hundreds or even thousands of people posting reviews that have no knowledge of pillows or mattresses or materials or the “why” behind what they are feeling or believing doesn’t make something “true” or even worth using as a guideline for someone else when each person is unique in terms of how they may respond to a particular product. 1000 reviews written by people that don’t know how to tell foam or material quality or who are really only saying “I got a good deal” says nothing about the quality or value of a pillow or mattress either. A product that is perfect for one person or even a group of people may be completely unsuitable for someone else to sleep on. Different people with different body types, sleeping positions, and individual sensitivities will also have very different perceptions about the firmness of a pillow or mattress.

And it’s even worse when the manufacturer itself makes claims about their own product which are then found to be false.


Thanks for that link. The guy comes across as an overly aggressive salesman and apparently I’m not the only one with that perception. Sadly, locally here in Boston, a very respected talk show host is touting his products – paid to do so, no doubt.

Hi Pspa123,

Advertising through celebrities, entertainers, athletes, and others of notoriety is very common in the sleep industry. While these people certainly have had success in their selected fields, that success certainly imparts no automatic wisdom into the field of sleep products, and any “endorsement” or “testimonial” should be held in the same regard as any other review that I recommend avoiding, and shouldn’t be used as a source of reliable data when making an educated mattress (or pillow) buying decision.
