Natural Escape vs. Avocado, DIY and other options

Update: ordered the natural escape
Hey, I would lik feedback both from Phoenix and from mygreenmattress on this question:
We are two adults (both 5’10 and 140lbs, one male and me female with an hourglass shape) and a baby (almost 6 months old) and are looking ideally for a family bed (co-sleeping). Therefore, a too soft surface seems to not be a “safe” option.
I have struggled finding a mattress with good alignment for myself especially when sleeping on my side because either my shoulders or my lumbar spine (hip) are out of alignment, I have not found a mattress yet where my spine is straight. I like to sleep in all positions, but am used to do a crooked side/stomach position, which is not good for my spine longterm but has always been what I resort to. I assume an ideal mattress would allow me to alternate sleep on my side, back and stomach? Since I nurse side-laying and for diversity it would be great to have that as an option. On my current mattress when my neck is a little bit out of alignment, my fingers go numb and start burning. When I lay on my back with or without pillow, I wake up with a lot of tension in neck and shoulders.

I used to try pure latex yet have not found one that works for me. The closest I came was trying Talalay 8" 28ILD, 32 ILD and 36ILD (my process is outlined in detail in a different post-thread) and I thought my ideal firmness in terms of alignment was at 32ILD both for dunlop and talalay (Below and above seemed more painful in lower back.) I usually ended up with either lower back pain or neck stiffness when sleeping on my side. Quote from old post: “after figuring out that 6’ of 32 Talalay give me great spinal alignment, I got to test different dunlop combinations at a Verlo store. I felt pressure points way more with dunlop, and yet again 32 gave me good alignment (= no lower back pain).”
I am now thinking a hybrid is my best option with inner spring and latex. I value a green mattress (wool, cotton, latex, springs…) and plastic (aka memory foam) is not an option for me. We once had a 3" firm dunlop latex topper on wood floor and I could sleep on it fine at night but got horrible pains napping on it (or the other way around?) due to differing positions. On a 3" air mattress I can sleep comfortably when it is quite soft/not fully blown up, though I am also resorting to my crooked spine unfriendly position on it I believe. I have slept well on a soft-sink in innner spring bed but also some soft beds seem not to help with alignment. Any latex with coco coir has been too firm for me.
Quote from my old post severeal years ago: “The best combination I found so far is an innerspring mattress and the 2” 24ILD Talalay (Latex International) Topper on top. (…) I had no or little lower back pain on this combination, yet lots of tension in shoulder and neck."
We are looking at the avocado, which I test-layed and it felt comfortable in regards to overall feel of firmness, for back and stomach-laying. On the side, I had a little twitch in my lower back, though much less than on other mattresses. I am not sure how that would be with laying on it longer or overnight. I wonder why avocado is not a trusted member here.
We are also looking at natural escape. I mainly wonder which of the two would meet my need for alignment more.
A third option (much more affordable since we are looking at king size) would be a diy version, I haven’t checked if it is possible to buy the inner spring part. I could also use a random spring mattress and add a latex topper (however I wouldn’t know which firmness). I have made a mattess for the baby that works well (coco coir, cotton and wool).
My husband likes more firm, he is less curvy (hips), and sleeps on back and side but mainly on his side.

What do you recommend?

Hi Ana. The Natural Escape mattress would likely be a good fit for you. The spring system in the Natural Escape has a larger, but more subtle lumber support region than the Avocado mattress. This will accommodate the various sleep positions you and husband sleep in much better. Here is a little video showing the difference the two mattresses.