Need help troubleshooting new all talalay mattress

We bought an all Talalay mattress about 3 months ago from Flobeds (v12). The quality and the customer service are outstanding, and my partner loves it.

I’m a 195lbs / 6’1’’ stomach sleeper and my side of the bed, after some tweaks, is EXTRA FIRM.
Despite this, either my chest or my hip are sinking in too much and I wake up with strong pain on my mid/upper back and on my lower back.

While traveling recently I slept on some cheap mattresses and had no pain… so I’m feeling a bit discouraged.

The first thing I did was swap my bed slats with 12 x 4’’ / 0.75’’ oak slats. This helped firm up the bed, but now I don’t know what else I can do to troubleshoot the issue. Any ideas?

@FloBeds @CST @Sleep_EZ

Hi moksha,

The situation seems a bit unclear. Are you indicating that, despite adjusting your Talalay mattress from Flobeds and making it extra firm, you’re still experiencing sinking?

Drawing a comparison with “inexpensive” mattresses can pose challenges for a couple of reasons. Typically, during travel, stays are brief, and a simple change can provide temporary relief. Additionally, many resorts, hotels, and BnBs don’t use latex mattresses or exclusively latex ones.

Lower back pain often results from hammocking or sinking into the mattress. Introducing a coil layer may potentially alleviate this, especially if you prefer a natural approach or include a high-density transition layer beneath your upper comfort layer. However, accurately addressing the situation requires a bottom-up evaluation of the mattress, including the foundation and support layers.

Given that our Talalay and Latex specialists encounter such scenarios regularly, they might offer alternative solutions to address your concerns.

There are some latex support layers that typically reach ILD’s of 44, which would firm things up a bit and add more support. Depending on your top comfort layer, if it is at 3" for example, you may want to go to 2".

I think if you could elaborate on the complete build, that would be helpful.


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Have you tried the mattress using the floor as the foundation? If not, trying the floor may point to a structural support issue. It’s worth a try.

If you can submit a picture of your frame, slats, etc. eagle eyes here may spot a trouble area.


Thank you both.

Yes, I think I’m still sinking despite making it extra firm.

You’re right that it’s an unfair comparison and I didn’t mean to say in any way that a cheap mattress is better than the Flobed.

Here’s the current configuration from top down: Screenshot-2024-02-27-at-12-44-01-PM hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB

Here’s the bed slats: Screenshot-2024-02-27-at-12-54-16-PM hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB
They are very solid. I have some spare slats I could also add?

PapaMike, I’ll take the bed frame apart and try putting it on the floor. Thank you for the suggestion.

Is it possible to get a screenshot of the middle support beam?

It’s very solid. I can feel it when if I lie in the middle of the bed.

Is the support in the middle somewhat better or measurably better?
I believe one night of sleeping with mattress on floor will reveal whether it’s structural or mattress composition.
Looking forward to hearing about your experience.

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I can definitely feel the support in the middle when I’m on top of it. It’s definitely firmer. I haven’t slept on it though… I will try sleeping with the mattress on the floor and will report back.
Thank you for taking the time!

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Try 44 latex for a change?


I’m 6-2 195 but I’m a side sleeper. I don’t have a flobed but I’m wondering if the zoned support just isn’t hitting your parts properly due to your height, or maybe switch out the vzone layer for a layer of uniform firmness.

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Good Morning Moksha,

Im not sure if we have spoke on the phone, or perhaps missed the fact your a stomach sleeper. As a stomach sleeper, we are going to want to make sure your hip region is the same density as the lumbar. If you have not already swapped the foot section with the hip section, lets do that right away.
If you have tried that, and are still experiencing back pain, give us a call, and we will further trouble shoot your mattress. Stomach sleeping the zoning is generally much different than side or back sleeping.

Thank you,


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