NEW 'Lifetime' Customized Latex Mattress - Natur Sleep in Cambridge, Ontario

Hi Phoenix, it’s been a rather long journey … finally pulled the pin on an all-latex ‘lifetime’ mattress, purchased from Natur Sleep. Since my earlier (Dec-Jan) posts I’ve kept in touch with store staff, who told me about a new model that was coming… was very intrigued and decided to wait. I’ve seen customization with some US retailers though haven’t come across anything like this in Southern Ontario/ GTA.

Bed composition:

  • layers can be customized - either polyfoam or talalay latex 6" base layer, topped by 2 further 2" layers of talalay latex … they have firm and soft versions in the showroom, with both types of the base
  • base layer is common for the whole mattress
  • 2 x 2" layers can be customized for each side of the bed … love this part
  • quilting layer is wool, with a cotton cover (I chose a bamboo-cotton blend)
  • there is an all-organic version

The ‘lifetime’ aspect addresses post-purchase changes… get 3 chances in the first year to make the mattress feel right (can replace layers). After first year pay cost of new components only.

We went with the firm version (ILD 28/ 40 in the top two layers) … my wife absolutely loves her side, too early to tell for me (only been 2 wks). BUT what a great feeling to know I can adjust only my side if needed. Quite happy so far, given all my prior difficulties this mattress is like a breath of fresh air.

Your thoughts Phoenix?

Won’t find Natur Sleep on the web yet … site apparently being developed. Store number is 226-606-9252. They also won’t be at Southworks much longer, moving a few blocks to a larger location (8 Main St.) next month.

Hi ssb24,

As you probably know … I think that component mattresses can be a great idea … especially for those who aren’t certain that a mattress is a good match for them in terms of PPP and need to customize the mattress after a purchase. They also allow you to replace single layers instead of the entire mattress if one layer softens or breaks down before the others or if your needs and preferences change over time. Split designs can also be very useful for couples that have very different needs and preferences.

There are an increasing number of manufacturers that are making these available in Canada as well as in the US and they are also popular with online purchases because of the flexibility they allow and the lower cost of only changing or exchanging single layers instead of a whole mattress.

I would want to know the specifics of the layers (type and blend of the latex and the density of any polyfoam) so you can make apples to apples comparisons with other mattresses but the idea of a component mattress is a good one IMO.

If they have an all organic version then it would have to be Dunlop rather than Talalay since there is no organic Talalay latex.

Their website isn’t active yet but they do have a facebook page for the moment that gives them some online presence until their site is active.

Overall though … and assuming that your base layer is good quality which it probably is (you didn’t mention whether it was the polyfoam or latex version) … it sounds like you did well and all that’s left is to decide if you are happy with your configuration and to decide on any changes if you need to do some fine tuning.

Congratulations on your new mattress :slight_smile:


Hi Phoenix,

Sorry for the delay responding, was off (vacation) and needed to get further information.

Regarding my mattress:

  • top 2 layers are talalay (70/ 30 split between synthetic/ pure)
  • base 6" is 80kg of 100% natural dunlop … approx 40 ILD

Now 4 wks in and finding the 28/ 40 combination (top 2 comfort layers) may be too firm … how long should I feel this out before pursuing a softer ILD combo, does latex soften up much during the first few months? Natur Sleep is also bringing in dunlop latex for the top layers, will have to see which is preferable.

It is good to know I have options!

After further reading have answered my own question… won’t soften up much. The ‘Help Arranging Layers’ thread is quite interesting, need to read more before determining next best direction.

Hi ssb24,

Just to reinforce what you’ve read … after 30 days of sleeping on your mattress I would say that what you are experiencing now would be a reasonable indication of the longer term and if it’s still too firm then it may be time to consider one of your exchanges.

Your base layer is probably fine but your comfort layers (2" each of 28 and 40 ILD Talalay) are firmer than many people would be comfortable with (although of course this always depends on body type, sleeping positions, and individual preferences between people).


Thanks for your guidance Phoenix. I’ve always liked a firm mattress which is why I chose accordingly; sure goes to show you really don’t know until you sleep on it a few nights. I’m 147 lbs… the store also has a 19/ 28 starting combo that felt almost too soft (after 20 mins of showroom relaxing), though perhaps that’s my next move. Thoughts?

More reading…

Hi ssb24,

That would certainly be more “in the range” of what most people would tend to prefer but of course each person has their own preferences so your own experience will be the best way to know. I don’t know the options they have but if its a choice between 19, 28, and 40 then 28/28 would be in the middle.


28/28 sounds interesting. This eve I asked about 24/32 … Not sure yet just how far customization will go with ILD’s, though the owner is quite supportive of getting it right. Will follow up as we iron it out.

Hi ssb24,

I would be curious to find out what their ILD options are and of course which one you do best with.

I’m looking forward to any updates you have the chance to share.
