New Mattress After 6 Years - Tempurpedic / Simmons Beautyrest

Hello All,

First post here.

I purchased a mattress 6 years ago (full size) with little to no research and currently have the urge more to upgrade in size. With the upgrade in size, I may as well also upgrade in quality of mattress.

I’ve visited two stores.

The first store I only tested Tempurpedic beds and I fell in love with the Cloud Luxe.

About 2-3 months later, I visited the store again and this time wanted to find something in comparison to see if I can still get the same sensation for less money.

I laid across multiple mattresses between Serta, Sealy and Stearns & Fosters but the bed that I felt the most comfortable in was the Simmons Beautyrest Black Georgianna.

I went back and forth between the two (Georgianna and Cloud Luxe) and still left the store undecided.

I am by no means an expert so I wanted to reach out to you guys to see what your thoughts were and experience of the two.

I got priced out both beds with adjustable bases and there is about a $1200 price savings if I went with the Georgianna.

If I cannot tell which is more comfortable after testing them out, then I may as well save the $1200 and go with the Simmons but that is just my logic.

Hi HardHitter,

The first place to start when you are starting to look for a new mattress is post #1 here. this is the single most important post on the forum and will give you all the information you need and step by step guidelines that can help you make the most suitable choices for your body type and sleeping style as well as learning how to find the best quality and value in a mattress. Perhaps even more important it will help you know what to avoid so that you can focus on your better choices. As you can see in the shopping guidelines here (that are also linked there) … the first guideline is to avoid the major brands including all the mattresses you are mentioning or any manufacturer that either can’t or won’t tell you the details of every layer in the mattresses they make. They don’t use the same quality of materials or have nearly the same “value” as smaller independent manufacturers that are either sold factory direct or through better sleep shops across the country.

Once you have spent an hour or two learning about mattresses and what to look for and you know what to avoid … then the next step is to identify the better retailers and manufacturers in your area so you can begin to test mattresses.

If you let m know your city or zip, I’d be happy to let you know of any better options or possibilities in your area that I’m aware of.


Hi Phoenix,

I appreciate your prompt response.

In regards to my zip code and city I am in 95126, San Jose (California)

To go off what I was saying in looking for a “replica” of the Cloud Luxe for a better bargain, I did search here and find that the MemoryFoam Cirrus ES 13" is highly spoken of from you.

This was originally what I was looking at but then I’ve seen some pretty negative reviews about the Company itself. Add to the fact that I am not able to “test” it in store, I am really weary about ordering it.

Hi HardHitter,

Some of the better options and possibilities I know of in the San Jose area are in post #2 here

Yes … I do think highly of the quality and value of their mattresses which use very good quality materials. They also take a lot of care in “matching” the Tempurpedic lineup in quality, feel, and design as closely as possible and they are set up side by side in their bricks and mortar store in Florida so they can benefit from their customers comparisons and feedback. They are also somewhat unusual in that they offer a return with no shipping cost so they put their words to the test because of their return policy.

As you mentioned though they were “hit” with a series of customer service issues … some of which were the result of their own doing, some because of changes in their system, and some which weren’t their own doing at all (such as bed bundles that weren’t received which were shipped and delivered by FedEx but went missing and two instances of suppliers that provided either faulty information or the wrong materials). This was compounded because Matt the president of the company tried to solve the problems himself rather than leave them with his customer service people to deal with on a phone call and emails went to his spam box, he was involved in other duties and traveling, or his voice mail was full etc which ended up causing more issues and delays than it solved and even more “negative” momentum. I think he fully realizes that these issues need to be turned over and resolved by the people who deal with them every day and has realized that his personal involvement is not the best way to solve them. None of this reflects on the quality and value of his mattresses IMO but it was certainly a difficult time for him when the scrutiny of the forum members that came from their membership here and timing ended up causing some “negative momentum”.

In any case … each of us needs to decide individually who and what we are most comfortable dealing with and I certainly understand the impression the issues have created even though I don’t believe it is an accurate reflection of either their company or their integrity or commitment to providing quality and value to their customers. Sometimes changes in systems and customer service issues that represent a relatively small part of their business can create an impression that is not really accurate … especially on a forum like this one where the standard is “best of the best”.

Either way … you have many great choices available to you :slight_smile:

Hope this helps.
