New Mattress Shopper

Good afternoon!

We recently purchased a new bed frame and are in need of a king mattress.

We made the mistake about 4 years ago of getting a Purple mattress. We were among the early adopters and it has been miserable. Wife has shoulder pain and my lower back feels like I’ve been hit by a train in the morning.

She’s smaller 120lbs and I’m 185 lbs and tall. I’m a back and side sleeper. She’s a side sleeper.

We’ve been to all the local Salt Lake City mattress stores after doing some research on this site. We found nothing of great quality so will need to have what we buy shipped in.

I’ve spoke with a few places that are on the approved list. Today was Ryan at Beloit and he was very helpful. I spoke with someone at Gardener Mattress as well.

We’re eying the Beloit Heirloom Pillow Tuft Top as an option. What are your thoughts on this mattress?

Should we look at a all latex mattress (no springs)

Hi JesseWin40.

Welcome to our Mattress Forum. :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear you fell into a bind with the Purple and that you and your wife are both suffering some pain. You’re definitely not alone in this; many people frequently share similar complaints and concerns after a very short period of time.

Being from the SLC area myself, I know all too well the lack of quality mattress options available. I recently tried to help my brother find something quality in the local area and it ultimately ended in him doing exactly what you are doing - coming to TMU to search through the Trusted Members and have a mattress mailed to him.

The question of whether or not to consider an all-foam mattress really boils down to personal preference. If you enjoy the traditional feel of innersprings, there is really no need to venture away from that. The other difference between all foam vs innerspring/hybrid mattresses is that some people feel that the coils in a hybrid allow for better air flow and a cooler sleeping experience.

The Beloit mattress you mentioned is a great mattress! It has 2" of 14 ILD Talalay Latex which is very plush (12 is the most plush). There are no weak links in this mattress in terms of durability, and it sounds like you had a useful conversation with Ryan. Did you discuss in detail your sleeping positions, weight(s), and what you’re looking for from your mattress? Did you discuss this mattress with him, or is it something you found after that fact? I ask because if this recommendation was made by them after the conversation, I imagine it was a recommendation made very thoughtfully by them.

Are there other mattresses you are considering that you’d like me to review with you?

SLC is a mattress shopper’s nightmare as you know. The Purple mattress was invented and is made here though :S

The Purple people eater was our first all foam mattress. We tried a couple all Talalay mattresses today and had no issues with them. I think the decision between spring vs all foam would come down to if one sleeps cooler. If spring mattresses sleep cooler we’ll go that route.

The guy at Gardner was nice but the conversation wasn’t as productive as Ryan’s. One option they had was emailed to me a couple weeks back. It was " The latex wool is a pocketed coil upholstered with a layer of wool, 1" latex and another layer of wool and finished in an organic cotton knit fabric." That’s the only info i was able to get on it from them so far. I like the idea of the 2" of latex on the Beloit.

Ryan and I spoke for sometime. He also recommended we do his mattress chooser on his site. My wife and I both did it and the pillow top was an option it gave both of us so another good sign.

I tried calling Spencer’s on the Churchill & Smith line but no one answered. I didn’t see them on the TMU list but saw some posts by Phoenix that spoke of great quality.

Is there a bed similar to the Beloit hybrid we should consider? Our budget is $2500 - $5k for a King.

Hi JesseWin40.

Malouf is another mattress brand born in Utah that I personally find disappointing.

It sounds like Beloit continues to be a contender. That’s great!

Other hybrid systems you may wish to look at are Nest’s Natural Hybrid Latex, Arizona Premium’s Ultimate Hybrid and the Natural Escape from My Green Mattress.
