New member - and questions!


I’ve just become a member but have been searching the forums for sometime and my girlfriend and I have decided on a new latex bed but have questions:

-What are all your opinions on split layers in a king? We are considering SleepEZ and trying to choose between split top layer or full top layer but we’re concerned that we will feel the split. (especially if our layers are of different ILD’s). Anyone have real experience with both?

-Also, I haven’t had very much experience laying on lots of latex beds. (hard to find here in savannah) but we did get to lay on a Jamison Gemini and liked it. (2" of 19ILD latex, 1" of 24ILD latex, and 6" latex firm core 40 lb.). We are small people (she’s 120lb and i’m 165lb) and I’m concerned the 22-24ILD in the sleepez bed may make a large difference from the 19 ILD in the Jamison. Anyone have the opportunity to lay on both 19 and 22-24 layer ILD latex before top layers before?

Oh ahead of time, thanks for all the help out there. We saved a lot of money by not blowing it on one of the beds from the big S brands!

Hi yOnKinaToR,

I have laid on both 19 ILD and 24 ILD on the same lower layers and I can tell a difference. While the difference is not huge, for me at least it is noticeable.

Having said that … this was on the same ILD and thickness of base layers so the only difference in the mattress was the top 3" layer. All the layers in the mattress interact together and because the SleepEz would have a softer middle layer … this will affect the feel of the comfort layer (make it softer) vs a 40 ILD base layer. In addition to this … the Jamison has some foam and fiber in the quilting layer which would work the other way around and make it softer than lying on the latex or the same ILD alone.

So overall … there are some differences between the two mattresses that are more complex to assess than would meet the eye. Since Shawn and/or Jeremy are the experts in their own mattresses … I would talk with him to ask their recommendations. He will probably suggest that you start with the regular “soft” (22-24 ILD) but I believe he can also custom order 19 ILD if it turns out that you need or prefer it and want to exchange the 22-24 ILD for something softer on one or both sides.

Post #2 here talks about split layering and while you would of course feel the difference between the sides (which is the reason for the split in the first place), I don’t think I’ve known or heard of anyone who can feel the split itself with the wool quilted cover.

You’ve probably seen this but there are a several options in the Charleston area in post #2 here which may be worth a phone call and perhaps a visit.


Hi yOnKinaToR -

I have also laid on a 19 ILD and 22-24 ILD. I felt quite a large difference between the two. The 19 was much softer to me - too soft for me - but we are heavier than the two of you. Also, as Phoenix says, the configurations were different so it’s hard to say whether the 19 was really that much softer on it’s own, or if it was partially due to what was underneath it.

I have also had the SleepEZ 13,000 for 2 weeks now. We have an Eastern King split mattress with their standard recommended configuration of X-Firm on the bottom, Firm, Med, Soft with the cotton/wool quilted cover (not the stretch cotton cover). The thickness of the wool batting quilted to the cotton really masks the split, although we have the same layers on both sides, so you don’t feel any difference rolling from one side to the other. If I didn’t know there was a split, I probably wouldn’t notice.

When I was in their showroom, they have a King size in the 13,000 with two different layering builds on each side - the standard X-Firm, Firm, Med, Soft and then X-Firm, Firm, Firm, Med. You can feel a small difference rolling from side to side, but it’s not like you sink on one side and feel like you’re laying on a rock on the other. It’s subtle.

I will say that when we got our mattress, it felt firmer than the showroom model, probably because it hadn’t been tested by a bunch of people. It does not have that plush, sinking, pillowy feeling that polyfoam gives you, at least, ours doesn’t with the 22-24 ILD on top. We like that though.

Anyhow, the SleepEZ configuration is very different from what you tested, so I would just caution you to be aware that it probably won’t feel quite the same. Just my 2 cents. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the quick responses!

I was actually looking at the 3 layer 10000 at Sleep Ez. My hope was that we could make the mattress soft enough by having three layers oft either soft/soft/firm or soft/medium/hard instead of just 2 basic layers in the jamison.

Phoenix, I did search and find that post about some of the places in charleston. It’s a pretty good drive so we haven’t made the trip yet.

I think I will give the experts at SleepEZ a call and see what they think. Wish me luck!

Hi yOnKinaToR,

Shawn (and Jeremy) certainly are “experts” and a conversation with either of them will go a long way to giving you the confidence to make an online purchase if that turns out to be the best direction for you.

Good Luck!


Thanks Phoenix, you’ve answered my question too! I’m considering an Arizona Premium Mattress Company latex mattress and was wondering if I’d notice the split cores in the queen size, especially since I’m more likely to sleep in the middle of the bed because I’m currently single. :pinch: I’m glad to hear that the split isn’t noticeable. Now that just leaves me to worry about possible return shipping costs to return a layer. If shipping to me is $124 how much would return shipping cost!? I don’t even know how one would go about returning a huge, heavy, non-split layer (to those companies that don’t sell split layers).

Hi jollyraider,

Their standard layering has a wool quilted cover as well as a solid layer of 2" latex over the split cores so if the cores are the same ILD you won’t feel the split at all. If you had a different firmness level on each side then you still wouldn’t feel the split itself but you could feel a difference in the softness/firmness of each side which of course is the purpose behind having two different firmness levels in the mattress (for the different needs and preferences of each person on the mattress).

I would keep the original boxes at first so that if you do need to make an exchange of the core layers then you will have boxes that fit and while it’s not the easiest job it’s not that difficult either and it’s well worth it to have the exchange option. You will basically be choosing between 3 different firmness levels (soft, medium, firm) for the two bottom layers and the top layer is 2" of softer 22 ILD so if you err on the side of firmness if you are in doubt (and they will help you with this) then rather than exchanging a layer it would be easier to add a thin topper if you need to do some fine tuning. They will also help you with any questions you have either about which of the 3 core firmness levels may be best for you, whether you want to add a 3" comfort layer instead of 2" (which they offer as an option) and offer suggestions about packaging and shipping if you do need to do an exchange.

The split layers on the bottom that would be exchanged are much easier to handle than a single larger layer that isn’t split and they can be shipped UPS which of course is much lower than trick freight. The shipping cost of sending it back and having a new layer shipped would depend on where you were but it would be similar each way to the original shipping but a little less because it would only involve the two core layers and not the top layer or the cover.

They are certainly a great value choice.


Thanks again for explaining! I know speaking to them on the phone will help ensure the firmness is right the first time. I’m going to check out Flexus Comfort (which I hadn’t found before coming to this site) as well because I live pretty close to their location. But Arizona def. has the best prices I’ve seen. This site is a great resource!