Newbie needs help

Hello I’m new here. I’ve done a little reading on the basics of buying the right matress and what to look for on this site. I’m a 39yr old that works lots of hrs and often on my feet. Ive been sleeping on an old matress that now the tag is not even on there to give you a manufacture or any other details. It is a coil mat and it was probably a firm. I’m 6 feet tall and weigh about 190. I sleep mostly on my side and have recently started to experience some shoulder pain. I figured it was time to explore a new matress. I’m not sure what to really look for yet and plan to take some time and test a few local stores. I have a good contact at a local Jordans Funiture and will be able to get some info from a sleep tech there. I may also be able to get a decent dscount about 30% if I purchase there. However I know that it’s a big retailer and the markup is crazy so the 30% may not even be an issue as I’ve read on here that a local matress place may be able to give me a similar or better matress for a better price. Te other local store I will look into is however again I’m not sure if any one can give me any info based on previous purchase from them or by looking at their site and seeing what they offer. Any information and guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and feedback.

Hi redliner996,

Hopefully you’ve read this already but just in case … post #1 here has the basic information, steps, and guidelines that can help you make the best possible choices … and avoid the worst ones.

When you get to step 3 … and since you are considering themattressmaker and Jordans … I’m assuming you are in the general Boston or Southeast MA area and some of the better options and possibilities I’m aware of in the area are listed in post #2 here (including both of the options you mentioned) and post #2 here has links to some posts and threads with feedback about many of them as well.

Besides your own careful and objective testing on a mattress for PPP (Postureand alignment, Pressure relief, and Personal preferences) using the testing guidelines … the next most important part of an informed choice (regardless of manufacturer or brand) is to make sure you know the specifics of every layer in a mattress so you can make meaningful quality and value comparisons and identify any potential weak links in the mattress in terms of durability. Knowing this will tell you about the relative durability of a mattress and how it will feel and perform over time compared to the way it did when it was new

If you follow the steps one by one you will be fine and of course if you have questions about any mattress you are considering and can post the specifics of all the layers then I’d be happy to make some comments about it as well.

A mattress is only as good as it’s construction and the quality of the materials inside it regardless of brand and the “best” manufacturers are the ones that are the most transparent about the quality of the materials that they use and can help “educate” their customers about why some materials are better than others instead of focusing more on “marketing stories” and know little about what is inside their mattresses.
