After a few weeks of research, trying out mattresses at local shop I finally added new mattress from sleep ez.
The model is 10000 in king size. We are both back and stomach sleepers so we like firm mattress.
We chose his and her split with 3 inch extra firm dunlop at the bottom, 3 inch firm dunlop in the middle and 3 inch medium firm synthetic
Talalay for comfort layer. We got free latex pillows and purchased the mattress protector as we have young kids.
This site was an incredible resource and I want to thank Phoenix for answeringg all our questions.
Other places that we considered were Brooklyn bedding and
I certainly learned more about mattresses than a lot of people selling the mattresses.
Even though I spent a bit of time researching it was time well spent because we will save money on our initial purchase and also get better product. I will be replacing my kids mattresses later this year and it will be much easier the second time around due to knowledge we acquired here.
I don’t know what you do for making a living but this site can’t be it. You must have a passion for helping people.
I will be making a donation. Every person who is a member, gets discount and buys a mattress based on this forum should make a donation.
This site is all I do (it’s been a 16 hour a day project for about 3 years now without a day off so far) and the site’s source of income is listed in this link about how we survive. It took a couple of years but over the last few months the income from the site has reached a level that we can live off it and for that I’m grateful (and so is my family)
You are right that it is a labor of love … and a continuous learning curve that never ends.
Thank you again for your kind comments … and your donation.