Owner of Tempur-Pedic Breeze "old generation" is it normal ?

Hi, sorry for my english,

hello We have a Tempur Rhapsody Breeze Queen size, for 2 years now.

The other day I wanted to inspect the mattress out of curiosity, I remove the cover, and when I press my hand I perceive several crack apparraisent around my hand directly on the memory foam, cracks will a few centimeters, to 2-3 inches, this occurs practically the entire surface of the mattress, is it normal? To dissipate heat better?

We have a TEMPUR-Ergo Adjustable Bed Bases.

I contact Tempur, but waiting for their answers, I think someone could tell me more …

Thank you !

Hi Memory foam,

It would probably be helpful to see a picture but cracks in the memory foam across the sleeping surface wouldn’t be normal and could be a manufacturing defect (see their warranty here).


Technically air passes better right?

Hi Memory foam,

I doubt that cracks in the memory foam would make any meaningful difference in terms of airflow.



I am sorry to hear that you are having an issue with your mattress but the cracking of the material isn’t normal. Please contact our warranty department at 800-753-1130 to start a warranty claim. Please have access to your receipt when you call as we may need information from it to start the warranty process.
Best Regards,

1000 Tempur Way, Lexington, KY 40511
Phone: 1-800-753-1130

Hi Memory foam,

Thanks for adding the pictures and for sharing their reply.

While defects can certainly happen on occasion … the good news is that foam cracking is covered under their warranty.


I am curious if my case is isolated in the breeze 1.0?

Are they any other possessor breeze here who want to look under the zip cover, for good or bad surprise :slight_smile:

Perhaps they have had a lot of problem with their first generation? I have them ask the questions, but I have not had answers …

Their breeze 2.0 seems completely different, the first layer is made even perforate as Tempflow… scroll the page: http://m.tempurpedic.com/why-tempur … maybe their patent is over? Or they have sold? http://www.tempflow.com/tempflow_mattress_collection.htm

Hi Memory foam,

I would guess that your issues are fairly isolated (and it could be the result of moisture in the mattress) but hopefully some of the members here that own the same mattress will see your post and share their comments.

Dr. Rick Swartzburg who is in charge of product development for Relief Mart (which manufactures the Tempflow mattresses) still owns their airflow patent which is still current.


Same bed. Same issue.
Filling out the claims now, how did yours go?