Paramount Spa lattex Firm - Therapy

I recent exchanged a Paramount mattress (interspring that was defective) for a latex mattress in their spa line called “therapy” - firm. I also liked the plush version called the “waterfall” - older name now called something else > sorry forgot! I could not make up my mind and then chose the firmer one since I was worried I would have another issue and the mattress become too soft.
I liked my new latex mattress but the mattress is only 9 inches thick so it sits down in the bed frame. I like being higher > more like the 12 inch mattress so I would have been better off with the plush as it was a 12 inch mattress. I would like your assistance on the following >

  1. I would like to obtain the contents (layers) in the “therapy”. I asked but never received the info.
  2. I am thinking of purchasing a 3 inch latex topper to put on my mattress but would like to know the pros and cons. I would like to get the feeling of the top model “waterfall” -which was the older name before the upgrade as I now realize it probably was the better choice for me. I was fearful thinking it might be too plush and become softer. Note - I was coming from three Paramount mattress that did not work. Two were defective in less than a year and one (HD) was like a rock and they exchanged. I then chose the ‘Refine’ which was a plush over their firm. This was caved in about 2 inches in less than 6 months and I sleep by myself.

I would appreciate your assistance on any info you can offer. I regret not knowing about this site prior to my awful experiences with a retail store and the manufacturer.

Hi lindac,

I don’t know the layering of the therapy and this would need to come either from the retailer or the manufacturer. It is clear from the Paramount website though that while it contains talalay latex, it also contains polyfoam layers (soy based foam is still polyfoam) in the quilting and the mattress but they provide no further details. The law tag may give you a indication of the amount of polyfoam in the mattress by weight (not thickness which is more important) and other than a thin quilting layer … I would also want to know the density of any polyfoam because this would likely be the “weak link” of a mattress.

Without knowing the specific layers and differences between the “therapy” and the “waterfall” there would be no way to know if you could “duplicate” either the “objective performance” or the “subjective feel” of one by adding a topper to the other without trial and error.

You were probably wise to go firmer than softer because it’s always easier to soften the surface of a mattress with a mattress pad or topper than it is to make it firmer or more supportive. This is especially tru when a mattress contains polyfoam which will go through an initial softening period. Buying a thicker mattress though with the idea of making it higher (rather than better in some way) is not a great idea because if you focus on mattress height it could easily lead to a poor choice in terms or pressure relief or support. It’s much better to buy a mattress that suits your needs (pressure relief and posture/alignment) regardless of it’s thickness (thick mattresses are often just selling you more cheaper foam at inflated prices) and not focus on the mattress thickness at all. If you want it higher up then you could add it under the mattress with a higher foundation rather than the mattress itself.

The advantage of a topper is to add pressure relief if you are experiencing pressure points. The disadvantage is that adding more softness on the surface will put you further away from the support layers of the mattress and if the comfort layers plus the topper are too thick or soft it could lead to you sleeping out of alignment. “Just enough” for pressure relief in all your sleeping positions is much better than too much.

One of the main advantages of latex itself is its durability compared to other foams and also that it has a great combination of softness and support. Some of the pros and cons of latex are here.


I went to a local mattress store hoping to try out some green mattresses and they showed me the Paramount “Nature’s Spa” Therapy Firm mattress too.

Did you end up buying it? How do you like it?

My concerns are similar, it sounds like there are many layers, only a small amount of latex and not a lot of information about the other layers. Since it’s on the pricier side, I’m wondering if it’s worth the extra money but the added piece of mind of buying locally. Unfortunately my other options for green bed are going online.
