Phoenix i am scared !

i almost ordered the wool topper you recommended: Standard ECO-Pure Wool Mattress Topper | Made in USA Wool Mattress Topper | Shop Natural Underquilts | Twin, Double, Queen, King Mattress Pad | 100% Organic Cotton Bedding | the Wool Bed Company™ Surround Ewe™ Sleep Systems

( i have even talked to the woman there on the phone )

but i decided to think about it, so i put my 2 pound, 2 square foot polyester pillow underneath my body to see how i will like sleeping on so much fiber - and it turned out that the pillow made it WORSE than my stiff bed. because the batting in the pillow was UNEVEN while the bed was flat.

when i put my head on the pillow it’s not enough weight to compress the batting so unevenness doesn’t matter because the forces are redistributed through springiness. but when i put my bodyweight on the pillow it is crushed and the unevenness in the batting feels like you’re laying on rocks.

now a queen size bed is 33 square feet, and my pillow has 1 pound per square foot fill, so it corresponds to a 33 pound fiber topper. the topper i was going to order is 20 pounds so it is not far off - AND MY FEAR IS THAT IT WILL ALSO FEEL LIKE SLEEPING ON ROCKS because it may be uneven, or it may BECOME uneven, and ruin my mattress creation !

the snugfleece that i already ordered i am not worried about - any unevenness it may develop will be like small ripples, not larger waves - so i can always put some pad over it to even it out. but this 20 pound topper i am afraid if it gets uneven i will simply have to throw it out - and at $500 i am not prepared for this !

there is no feedback for this product, no way to tell how it will perform in the long run, 30 day return window - and no reason to think the batting will stay evenly distributed at all !

maybe i am better off with multiple thin wool toppers which keep the wool more tightly in place due to tighter surface stitching pattern like this:

psychologically what made me feel uneasy about the purchase is how pushy the woman was when i mentioned snugfleece she started talking it down when it is the highest rated wool pad on all Amazon and her product doesn’t have a single review. at this point i just felt like i am about to fall into a trap.


what do you say ?

also when i asked about the difference between the 3 models - 14 lb, 20 lb and 25 lb she said that the higher models are for heavier people to provide more cushioning … but seeking cushioning from wool maeks no sense. you get cushioning from latex and memory foam, and you get coolness and dryness from wool.

if this woman actually stuffs so much wool in there for PADDING then do i really need it ? when i told her that i have enough padding already as well as a 6 pound wool pad ( SnugFleece ) and only want ADDITIONAL cooling, she still recommended i go with regular ( 20 lb ) and not the economy ( 14 pound ) topper.

hm … but do i really need 20 + 6 = 26 lbs of wool to stay cool ? or would a thinner wool topper be just as capable at absorbing moisture but have a much flatter and more even surface and be much more comfortable to sleep on ?

basically i’m just a greedy bastard and i have an engineering degree so i know how to use a calculator - according to my math this 20 pound topper was the cheapest ( $25 ) per pound of organic wool ( compare to $40 per pound of non-organic wool for snugfleece ) which is why i wanted to get it.

but i’m afraid this greed will backfire when i realize that less is more and that having too much wool underneath me is actually making sleeping impossible …

it’s the same problem i had with the cotton topper - i just wanted MORE cotton for my dollar, and didn’t want to pay $200 for just a thin cover when the same $200 can buy a full pad - but in the end i was able to overcome my greed and decided that more cotton is not better if all it does is make my bed stiffer and more damp and puts a barrier between me and the wool.

now it is deja vu all over again because i am afraid putting too much wool between me and latex ( or Venus memory foam if i use it ) is only going to take away from the softness and evenness of latex and/or memory foam.


Hi g1981c,

I think that your comments are indicating that you may be beginning to realize that theory and engineering and mattress design can be very different things and it’s encouraging that you have some “fear” which I think can be healthy when you are taking the risks that you are taking or making decisions based on theories that may not be accurate in real life … especially when you may not have the personal experience to translate 'theory" into how if feels and performs in your own personal experience.

The “cost” of poor sleep or and unsuitable mattress design is too high IMO to buy or make a mattress based on its commodity value alone.

Years after you purchase (or make) a mattress you will remember much more about how well you slept on it (or didn’t) than you will about what you paid for it or it’s “commodity” value.

Mattress construction and design can be a unique and amazingly intricate combination of intuitive and technical thinking (or right and left brain thinking) based on personal experience and one or the other will rarely work as well as both of them working well together.


definitely those two, plus a third one - dealing with moron suppliers who can’t tell you what ILD foam they are going to cut or with family members that wash/dry your bedding at wrong settings ( everything on high or hot all the time - regardless of what proper settings should be ) or fold fleece pads and put them into smaller covers then tell you they are too small for your bed, forcing you to buy new ones that you don’t need …

altogether it ended up being a lot harder than i expected, but there is no way back now …