Please help guide me in the right direction!

Have been lurking for quite awhile and must say I am a bit overwhelmed, as this will be my second purchase of a mattress ever. My first purchase was on a whim, I was 18 years old with a new job and all I know is that I “needed a mattress” so I found a “sale” and made a purchase and know this was a dumb purchase indeed…

I am 25, and I have a sore back quite often due to sports and injuries in the past. I stretch my back etc. but I for sure still have frequent lower back pain. I try to sleep on my back as often as possible but more often than not end up sleeping on my stomach as I find it most comfortable.

My first major need is a mattress that will provide support and help with my lower back pain, if this is possible? I currently use my parents’ old mattress which is very firm but I love it… I have slept on “soft” or pillowy (Im sure there is a term for this) mattresses before but they do nothing for me and only agitate my back.

I have been reading quite a few articles and posts on this website but decided that to get the ball rolling I would ask for some assistance!

I am in need of a king sized mattress and my most important must have is comfort and/or support for my back. I have been looking into “memory foam” but am not sure this is the proper route to go. My parents purchased a very expensive memory foam bed and they love it.

I know this may be quite vague but I have to start somewhere!


Anyone, where is the Phoenix!?

Hi cctaylor88,

I’m right here :slight_smile:

I deleted your other duplicate post in the other thread as you suggested. I also usually answer threads according to where they are in the latest posts view so if you add another post to the original it will often delay how long it takes me to reply because it will show up as being a later thread.

I’m guessing that you have already read this (it’s the thread where you originally posted) but just in case the first place to start is post #1 here and the information it links to. From there it’s a matter of following the steps one at a time.

The choice of material is strictly a matter of personal preference and the most reliable way to know which one you like best is to test different materials so you know the difference between them and which you prefer. Any combination of material in the right design can provide you with the comfort/pressure relief and support/alignment you need. No matter what material you choose … it’s important to make sure that it is high quality becasue every material will have higher and lower quality versions. A mattress that seems perfect in a showroom for PPP (Pressure relief, Posture and alignment, and Personal preferences) won’t maintain the comfort and support that was the reason you bought it for as long if the mattress uses lower quality versions of the material you prefer.

You have certainly made a good start … and once you’ve spent an hour or two reading the most important information (if you haven’t already) and learning what to exclude from your search (mainly major brands, chain stores or other mass market outlets, and any mattress where you can’t find out the quality of all the layers inside it) … then the next step is to identify the better retailers and manufacturers in your area so you can start to test different mattresses and materials. If you let me know your city or zip then I’d be happy to let you know about any of the better options or possibilities I’m aware of in your area.


Awesome thank you, ya Ive done plenty of reading and I think its time to actually go to the store and lay down on some mattresses to see what I find comfortable, not the make/materials etc and then research more online.
I don’t have a grand to drop as I am a student and still living at home but I just bought a very nice king sleigh bed that I will have for years to come and would like a mattress that will last awhile as well.

I live in Columbus OH 43230

Hi cctaylor88,

I think post #2 here should help :slight_smile:
