Please help me select a mattress

I have read through a few articles here recently, and I want to thank and congratulate all of you for a very good and comprehensive mattress forum.

I am a 6’4" 350 lbs. 58-year-old man residing in the Omaha, Nebraska area. Due to sleep apnea and the use of a CPAP machine, I have been a back sleeper for the last five years. I have spinal stenosis in my lower spine and painful neuropathy in both feet. Due to the latter two disabilities and one other, I spend approximately 18 hours a day in bed. When not sleeping (on my back), I’m usually lying down mostly on my side propped up on my left elbow while using my laptop or watching TV.

I need a queen size bed and an adjustable bed frame for just myself. I’d like a hybrid one or two-sided mattress that will work on an adjustable frame. I am not picky, but I don’t want to skimp on good quality m since I am a heavy guy and spend a lot of time in bed, I like mid to firm, and a slight pillow top cushioning on the top surface would be okay, but is not a requirement. I would also like a lifetime guarantee or something close, as I feel it is often a testament to how well a manufacturer’s mattress really is. A sleep trial is a must, but from what I’ve seen advertised that should not be a problem. During the last several weeks, I have tried to look for a mattress online. However, when I begin to research details like the ideal number of coils and ideal gauge size to the various foam types with the best density and pounds per square footage, my brain begins to shut down. Unfortunately, I have reduced cognitive thinking skills due to a TBI I received during an accident several years ago and is why I am unable to work ever again. I am hoping that with your expertise and experience with many mattresses, you might be able to suggest a mattress that will meet my needs. I hope I’ve provided enough information for someone to do that. I would really appreciate any good suggestions provided.

My weight 350lbs.
Queen size and adjustable bed frame compliant
Mid to firm with lite cushioning on top surface
Budget - Up to $2700 including frame, but would like good value for money
Omaha, Nebraska but will purchase online

Best regards,

HI JustPlaneCrazy.

Welcome to our Mattress Forum. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your kind words! And no worries, most people’s eyes start to glaze over when stuck in the sort of “analysis paralysis” phase of mattress shopping.

Because of your larger size and support needs, I’d lean towards latex as its the most durable (and breathable) of the foams and you don’t have do worry as much about premature breakdown and the like the same way you do with blended/poly/memory/gel/visco foams.

A few of the mattresses that come to mind are the Luma Hybrid Slumber System or the all latex version and the FloBeds Big and Tall mattress as well as the Sleep EZ 360 hybrid pillowtop

As for warranties…warranties only cover manufacturing defects and won’t tell you anything about the quality, durability, or useful life of your purchase and are mostly about marketing.

I hope this helps.

Hello Nikki,

Thank you so much for answering my post. I began to worry that I might have made it too long for anyone to deal with. You are so right about the “analysis paralysis” statement too!! Hahaha. So, over this past weekend I was looking at a mattress from Helix and Bear but really didn’t dive too deeply into their specifics. There was one thing that caught my attention last week on this site. The post stated that for someone large like myself, I should choose a mattress with foam that meets a minimum density pound per square foot requirement. I think the numbers were 2.5 to 5.0 pounds, does that sound correct to you? Do the mattresses you suggested meet those requirements? Again, thank you so much for assisting me like this, I really do appreciate it. I look forward to hearing from you again.

Warm regards,

Hello Nikki,
While looking at your suggestions, I saw mattresses that have air bladders that change the comfort level automatically. What is your opinion on those types of messages? Do you have any suggestions for a few of those types of mattresses?


Hi JustPlaneCrazy :slight_smile:

We’re running a little bit slower than usual answering posts with our CEO out on a family emergency and myself currently in a battle with Covid. Uhg! We’ll get back to full gears here soon, hopefully.

Yes, if you’re looking at poly or memory foam, that is absolutely correct!

I believe I suggested all latex mattresses, actually. So, they would automatically fall under the durability umbrella unless, for whatever reason, you were looking at a blended latex. In the case of latex, bigger bodies generally just need a denser foam (like a medium/medium-firm, etc).

I’ve seen these but air bladders are so hard to repair and replace that I generally don’t love them. My brother, however, does sleep on one like that and he quite likes it.


Hey there Nikki,

Good to hear back from you! I hope all goes and ends well for your CEO. Also, that you start feeling better soon. I’ve been there and done that once this past February, and it’s no fun. Take vitamin D, lots of C, and drink lots of fluids and most important of all, get lots of sleep and rest in bed. Don’t try to get up and work or do anything strenuous when you start feeling like it’s over. Because you will quickly learn that it isn’t I assure you. Just take it slow and easy when it feels like you can get up and around, and you’ll be fine after that.

So, I have educated myself a bit more about mattresses since my last posts to you. I discovered the adjustable air beds a couple of days ago and was quite interested in them for a bit. However, from what I have learned about beds so far, and I decide to go with a hybrid mattress, it appears that the Sleep EZ 360 hybrid pillowtop you suggested would definitely be the best hybrid mattress choice for me. Now, I just need to find some honest and in depth reviews from air bed owners and I think i’ll be able to get a good idea about which type of mattress to choose. Since I’m unable to leave my home, I can’t go and see how any of these types of beds feel. However, I think ill be able to narrow it down fairly well and decide which to buy in the end. Talk to you soon and please take care of yourself and get well soon. :slight_smile:

Hi again!

It is my default mode to try to do too much too soon after illness. I’ll definitely try not to do that once I start feeling better. Sorry to hear you were sick yourself! Covid is a real pain. The gift that keeps on giving…and giving!

Airbeds are an interesting option. I personally feel about them the way I do about waterbeds. They may be a great option for some people, but they are probably also a nightmare to exchange/find parts for in case of a repairs/patch type need. If you find any that you need or want help evaluating, feel free to bring those here!
