Product Identification Help


You can see some comments about latex ILD’s in post #6 here. When you see single ILD numbers they are usually just the midpoint of a range or in the case of LI blended Talalay because that’s how the manufacturer describes or “rates” them even though they aren’t exact.

I think the page on the KTT site that may be confusing you is this page which lists the ILD ranges for the different firmness levels of 100% natural Talalay which are listed as N1, N2, N3, N4, and N5 instead of a specific ILD like blended Talalay.

I would also keep in mind that ILD is also only one of several specs that makes one material feel softer or firmer than another (see post #4 here) and the ILD of different materials or different types and blends of latex also aren’t directly comparable to each other so putting too much focus on ILD alone can often be more misleading than helpful.

The comments in post #26 here would also be worth reading as well.

There isn’t any rule of thumb no and it wouldn’t be a “flawed” design. Some manufacturers would build a mattress like this and it would work well for some people and it wouldn’t work nearly as well for others. What you are really talking about is the difference between what I call a differential construction and a progressive construction (see this article). For example the Pure Latex Bliss uses a 2" layer of 21 ILD on top of a 6" core of 36 ILD. With a design like this you would certainly feel more of the firmness of the support core “through” the thinner and softer comfort layer and larger body types would probably notice more of the difference and transition between the layers than lighter body types who don’t sink into the mattress as deeply.

If you are attracted to the idea of designing and building your own mattress out of separate components and a separate cover then the first place I would start is by reading option 3 in post #15 here and the posts it links to (and option #1 and #2 as well) so that you have more realistic expectations and that you are comfortable with the learning curve, uncertainty, trial and error, or in some cases the higher costs that may be involved in the DIY process. While it can certainly be a rewarding project … the best approach to a DIY mattress is a “spirit of adventure” where what you learn and the satisfaction that comes from the process itself is more important than any cost savings you may realize (which may or may not happen).

If you decide to take on the challenge then I would either use the specs (if they are available) of a mattress that you have tested and confirmed are a good match for you in terms of PPP as a reference point (the same type and blend of latex in the same thickness and firmness levels and a very similar cover which can also make a significant difference to the feel and performance of a mattress) or use a “bottom up” approach (see post #2 here).
