Purecraft beds

Are they out of business or is their site just down?

Hi Napper.

It seems that their website is down. I reached out to them and waiting to get in touch.


I was looking at them awhile back, we discussed it on the forum(I think) but they told me they were not doing online sales until 2018 , they were too busy for the online business or something like that

I found the email they sent me as I spent a lot of time with them via email seeing if their Bed was a contender (lol) for me, this email was dated May 2017

"incredibly busy with other projects at the factory and simply can’t devote any time / resources to our online store at this time.

I’m terribly sorry as you’ve invested quite a bit of time researching and emailing back-and-forth with me! If you need a new resource, I would highly recommend looking into sleepez.com. They are located out in Arizona and are a small family-run operation not too unlike ourselves, plus we know the owner very well and know they treat their customers great!

Good luck in your mattress search, and we will post to our Facebook page and website once we are back in business next year…

Hi Ari.

Yes you are quite right, just got in touch with them … their website is down as they are in the process of transferring their web site over to a new host and changing platforms. They expect that the website will be running by the end of the week.

They are still in business (thriving, actually) but they also have a contract division that is monopolizing much of their time right now, hence the delay in some of the updates for their online store site.
